Page 3 of Hostile Tyranny

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Bors stared deep into my eyes, not saying a word, until… “I need you to trust me.”

My heart thundered. I was already nodding before he finished the request. I shared, “You’re scaring me.”

His stare softened. His dark brows bunched in regret. “No.” He grasped my face. “I want to explain but can’t. You gotta receive this gift with no expectations. Go in with a blank slate.”

Exhaling heavily, I panted out, “Okay.”

Exhaling, he kissed me. “Okay.”

Bors stretched his strong arm behind him to retrieve a gift from under the couch. The package was the size of a book, wrapped in black pearly paper and soft red ribbon.

He placed it in my shaking hands, then tenderly said, “You are so brave.”

Licking my drying lips, I stared at a present I knew was going to rock my world.

Bors rubbed a thumb across my bottom lip before maneuvering his legs from around me to get to his feet. His colossal form walked to the kitchen, grabbed the bottle of whiskey, grabbed a fresh glass with ice, and then returned and refilled our shared glass and the new one.

Surprising me, he set the bottle next to me.

Realizing he thought I’d need so much, my nerves were set aflame. I peered up at the gorgeous man and grunted, “Fuck.”

Dangerous fingers, that would never bring me harm, ran through my hair. “Merry Christmas, Ivy.”

Ivana Kraiser. That was the name I’d had all my life until I learned I truly didn’t exist.

When Bors started walking toward our bedroom with his glass of whiskey, I grabbed his leg. “Please. Stay,” I begged, hating how weak I sounded.

Adoringly, he told me, “Anything for you, but I think you two could use the privacy.”

Two? He spoke as if the book in my hands was alive. I wanted to ask why but chose to trust him as he’d asked me.

Already missing the comfort he constantly offered, I let him go.

With pride so thick it vibrated my soul, Bors smiled at me and then went into our bedroom and shut the door.

The house was too quiet as I peered back down at my trembling hands. All that could be heard was my long exhale, then the paper ripping as I unwrapped my gift.

At first, all I saw was an old, wrinkly manilla document envelope smudged with dirt. At the opening on the back, there was a strip of scotch tape that had been sliced open with care.

I looked to the door. Bors’ specialty was knives. He had a favorite, Jagdkommando triple-edged dagger, but was a master of many sorts of deadly blades.

Ice in his glass clinging, telling me he was taking a seat on the floor next to the door, Bors’ deep voice was right on the other side. “I’m here.”

Knowing he was watching me, I peered up at one of the many security cameras in the house, my eyes welling. This man had recently found blood family relatives of mine as an early wedding gift. They were wonderful people I was grateful to have met. I was excited to start building true and healthy relationships with them.

Believing that gift could never be topped, I wondered, What on earth has Champ found now?

He chuckled. “Ivy, take a swig, babe, and pull your shit together.”

Not taking my eyes from the camera, holding the book to my thighs with one hand, my other fingers grasped the glass and brought it to my mouth. I gulped two big sips, the liquid heat oozing throughout my body while I set the glass back on the floor.

“Good girl, now sit back and open the damn gift, drama queen.”

My nostrils flared. “I’m not dramatic.”

“Is that so?” he teased.

“Fuck you.”
