Page 21 of Hexed Wolf

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“No, it’s fine. You’re here now and this wasn’t about me. Did you see him?”

I smiled and glanced at Rafe who was babbling away trying to grab at what was left on Toyin’s plate. “Yeah I did. It’s weird as shit because I know I wasn’t there, but it feels like I was. I see it like those are my memories and not yours.”

“Good, see magic is not so…” Her sentence halted and her eyes moved around. Toyin’s posture was rigid and she looked terrified, which had me looking around.

“What’s wrong?”

“Magic.” Her eyes bounced around to the few faces in here with us.

“The magic you just did?”

“Not that. This is dark. It feelsverydark. Something’s not right. We should go.”

She pushed her chair back and lifted Rafe to her chest. Her movements were jerky and erratic which had my wolf on edge, ready to shift and defend.

“What do you mean dark, Toy?”

Her eyes moved around again before they landed on me. “I can’t explain it. Just dark. Please can we go.”

“Yeah, let's go.” I removed cash from my pocket and tossed it on the table, reaching for Rafe but Toyin clutched him tighter.

“Let me take him, just in case…”

Just in case something or someone was out there I needed to handle.

With a stiff nod, I lifted his bag and handed it to Toyin. “Stay behind me and close.”

When I moved, she moved. I felt her at my back when we exited the building. The sun had just set and night was hovering which draped the area with darkness but my senses were on alert. Toyin was right, something was off. I could sense the danger which had me pulsing to shift.

“Get in, lock the doors, and stay the fuck in the car,” I demanded, yanking the door open.


“This is not the time. Just…” She threw me off when she fisted my shirt and kissed me. I hooked an arm around her waist and kissed her back, with our son cradled between us. “Stay in the car, no matter what?”

With a sharp nod and hesitant eyes she pulled away and slipped into the passenger seat of my Jeep only seconds before I laid eyes on the problem. A warlock. He appeared human but I could see the glow of power that surrounded him. His eyes were glowing a steely gray and his expression was taunting.

“You can’t keep him from us,wolf.” The smugness in his tone had me shifting as I launched for him, swiping a paw that caught him in the side before he elevated and threw a hand in my direction. A ball of energy knocked me in my chest and I went flying back toward the alley next to the café. That was when I realized he wasn’t alone. Two rogues were waiting.

I snarled at both who took a step forward, canines exposed. Within seconds, both went for my throat. I leapt to meet their charge, twisting to catch them both, bringing my paws in and extending them from my chest. I caught one across his lower half and the other down the neck before I landed hard on my back and slid across the ground into the side of the building.

“You’re good,wolf. He told me not to underestimate you. I should have known. You’re a Bennett.” I lifted my head to see the warlock positioned on the edge of the building. While my focus was on him the two rogues charged once more.

I caught the first one around the neck, meeting his advance with my own. I clamped down hard and jerked my head back until I ripped his throat and he landed with dead weight below me but the pause allowed the other to pounce, colliding with me.

I bared my teeth, spinning away from him, but his size and weight limited my control. With quick movements my paws swiped at his neck enough for me to throw him off and we fell back to the ground, tangled in claws, teeth, and snarls until I managed to claw into the rogue’s neck and chest at the same time. I dug in deep enough to draw out a suffering groan seconds before the beast scampered away from me, collapsing to the ground. Just like the one before him, he shifted back to his human form as life drained from his body.

“You can’t fight everyone…” The warlock lifted his hand and landed a few feet away from me. I lunged toward him but collided with a wall I couldn’t see. He was protecting himself.

Fucking pussy.

I snarled, baring my teeth. “Then put down your magic and I’ll fightyou...”

“That wouldn’t be very smart, now would it? I’m no fool,wolf.” The smugness in his tone grated my nerves. “That would be like you taking me on without your wolf.”

I quickly shifted and extended to my full height, holding my arms out beside me. “I’m willing and I’ll still rip you to shreds, as I am now.”
