Page 23 of Hexed Wolf

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“No, it doesn’t and we need to figure out why. So come talk to them.”

I exhaled a sigh and adjusted Rafe in my arms so I could do as he asked. Xander realized I was bringing Rafe with me and shook his head. “Let him sleep.”

I cradled him tighter and my eyes darted up to his, communicating my fears. Someone wanted my son. I didn’t want him to be alone.

“He’s safe here, Toy. To get to him, they have to go through me. Let him sleep.” Xander moved from the doorway, kissed the top of my head, and lifted Rafe from my arms. As soon as he had him, I felt the void but watched as Xander whispered against the side of our son’s face, placed him in his portable crib, then extended a hand to me.

“Let’s go.”

I slid my palm against his and walked with Xander to the living room. Zion was in the kitchen pouring a glass of some type of liquor while Laz stood next to Jo a few feet away from the door where I noticed the two women. I couldn’t help but recognize Iraina. She was strikingly beautiful with smooth mocha hued skin, a slim nose, diamond shaped eyes, and bowed lips. Her jet-black hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail that landed between her shoulder blades and her makeup was flawless, appearing as if it were professionally done. She was dressed in black leather pants, a black mock turtleneck, and heels—a signature for the vampire side of her bloodline.

Then there was Meriden who was the complete contrast. Jeans, a loose-fitting sweater, and ankle boots. Her gray streaked hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun and her appearance read more “threw on something to make it out the door” than trying to be fashionable. Her eyes were kind when they found me which was very different from the sharp intrusive gaze and smugness from Iraina who was the first to speak.

“Toyin?” She extended a hand which I reluctantly accepted. “I’m Iraina Lafayette. It’s nice to meet you.” She then moved her gaze over to Xander who was still beside me. “And you, it’s been a while. You just disappeared, didn’t you?”

I tensed uncomfortably at the familiarity she used when speaking to Xander and the way her eyes trailed over him.

“You don’t see me enough to know when I’m around and when I’m not, Iraina,” he murmured, bringing a smile to her lips.

“I know everything, especially things I’m interested in.”

“Raina, not the time or place,” Laz warned and her eyes shot over to him while her face split into a full smile. She circled back to me and offered that same smile.

“I’m no threat to whateverthisis.” She flicked her wrist between Xander and me. “I only flirt because it makes him uncomfortable and well, look at him.” She winked and stepped around us, heading to the living room.

My eyes shot up to his and he groaned and shook his head, placing a kiss on my temple before he whispered. “Never happened and never will.”

I wasn’t given time to respond because Jo looped her arm through mine. “Why don’t we get situated in here.”

Jo and I sat next to each other. I smiled at Kaleb who was strapped against her chest in a baby sling. Laz, Zion, and Xander stood nearby, shoulder to shoulder—big, opposing, and serious. Meriden sat in the armchair adjacent to us while Iraina was propped on the side of where Meriden was seated.

Meriden stared my way. “Xander explained what you’re dealing with and I’m familiar with the binding spell. I have an aunt who fell victim centuries ago. She…” She glanced over at Xander and his brothers before smiling softly at me. “She found herself in love with the wrong man, or rather, what her kind considered wrong based on the rules back then.”

“Did she…”


“Yes, it was tragic. A lot of lives were lost,includingher own. From what I understand, it was a brutal and horrific sight. Their hearts were forced right out of their chest, killing them instantly.”

“Then why are you here? We already know the possibilities.” Xander frowned and Laz placed a hand on his arm to prevent him from advancing forward.

Iraina took over, bringing everyone’s attention to her. “Meriden and I counseled together and with a trusted few. Considering how delicate the situation is we thought it best to keep this discreet. We all seem to agree on how things might be different between the two of you.” She was the epitome of confidence. So much that I believed she had a resolution simply from how she delivered the words.

“Different how?” I asked.

“Your son,” she stated bluntly.

“Whatever the fuck you’re thinking the answer is no,” Xander snarled and I agreed, standing.

“You’re not using our son and if that’s your solution, you’re wasting our time.”

“Toyin, dear, she’s not insinuating that we woulduseRafe. That would never be an option.”

“No, it wouldn’t.” I narrowed my eyes at Meriden and Iraina, who only smiled smugly. I angled my head to the side in warning and her smile expanded.

I think I have a few spells in me to handle her.

“They said you were a fiery little thing, regardless of you only being a healer.” Her eyes drifted to Xander. “I hope we’re right because she will be good for you,Alpha.”
