Page 29 of Hexed Wolf

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“That’s not a good idea.” Zion frowned at me but I ignored him.

“You don’t know her and you already think she’s guilty. I’m going to make sure she has a fair chance at defending her position.”

And to make sure she didn’t truly play a role in this because if she did, you won’t have to kill her. I will. – Me

Okay. – Laz

I glared at Keerah, leaving no room to misinterpret my intentions. She didn’t appear happy about my stance. I didn’t fucking care. I turned to Toyin. “You can go if you don’t trust my reasons for wanting to be there.”

I trust you. – Toy

Her delicate hand was placed on my chest, covering my heart. For the first time since I’d met Toyin I felt something odd stirring beneath her touch. Magic. It had never been this strong before. She was different and so was I. The pull to her was unnaturally intense and overwhelming so I gripped her chin and my mouth clashed with hers.



“You’re mine now, you know that, right?”

“Yeah.” She smiled. “Kinda hard not to know when I can feel you all over.”

My eyes lowered to where her throat bobbed and the pulse beneath her skin fluttered with awareness of me. My wolf growled and my muscles locked tight with need. “Let’s go. We need to get this over with.”

“Mated for five minutes and you already think you’re running shit,” Laz joked but I wasn’t in the mood for anythingbutToyin. The sooner we got this over with, the sooner I could get back to her. “Zion, stay with Toy and Rafe.”

I dragged my eyes over her one last time before delivering my final command. “Don’t let her leave the apartment.”

Zion sneered at the barked order but nodded in acknowledgment and we left.

* * *

“How did you meet?”Jo stood on defense. Feet apart, shoulders squared, fingers splayed at each side ready to draw claws in preparation for an attack. One I sensed pulsing beneath her skin. Keerah glared at me but Jo snarled. “I asked the question. You keep your eyes on me.”

“I was roaming unfamiliar territory. I got cornered by pack Omegas and Xander came to my defense.”


“And you just happened to be in need at the exact moment he showed up.”

“It wasn’t a set up,” Keerah growled, approaching the steel bars she was encased in. Her fingers grasped the metal bars like she needed something to keep her grounded.

“She’s telling the truth…” I stated, calmly approaching as well. I stepped around Jo, stopping inches away from the cell that kept Keerah guarded. We weren’t at risk of being harmed by her, but she was indeed at risk of being harmed by us if her answers didn’t meet our expectations.

Both Laz and Jo swung their eyes my way. I felt the heat of their accusing stares but didn’t acknowledge them with a glance, only my words, but they were more so meant for Keerah. “There was no pretense to how we met. You knew who I was but did not ask for anything. Even after I helped settle the conflict of you being in forbidden pack territory and they decided to let you go because of my name. You thanked me and were going to move on. You didn’t ask for anything, I offered.”

“I know our story, Xander. It’s not me you need to convince.” Her eyes moved past me and Jo scoffed.

“Women have their ways,” she muttered and I smirked, glancing over my shoulder.

“Did you?”

“Easy, Xander,” Laz warned and I chuckled.

“There was no malicious intent prior to us arriving here. I know that for certain. Otherwise you wouldn’t have been allowed to join me. I’m no fool but what I’m not clear about is whether or not anything changed after we arrived. After you found out about Toy and my son. Jealousy and pride are two very powerful emotions. Maybe someone got to you and you decided that you had the right to disrupt things. If that was the case, this is your one chance to tell me now, and maybe you’ll walk away from this.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Are you fucking kidding me? You think I let someone use me to harm you orher? I don’t give a fuck about her…”

Jo growled from behind me but I held my hand up. “You may not give a fuck about her but that’s not the case when it comes to me. You presented yourself as mymate. You had intentions even if they weren’t placed by me.”
