Page 31 of Hexed Wolf

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He and I moved toward the door but he paused just outside. “We’ll talk soon. This needs to be handled sooner rather than later.”

With a sharp nod, we left things as they were for now.



Holding Rafe was different. I felt the magic surging in his blood. It hummed in unison with what was now flowing through mine. I wasn’t sure how but the why was evident. We were all bonded. Rafe, Xander, and now, me.

My hand lifted to the mark at the curve of my neck. My fingers warmed and tingled as they moved over the disrupted skin. So much had shifted in such a short amount of time. I was different. Our son was different. The magic that rushed through our bodies was stronger than anything I had ever experienced before but it wasn’t just his magic. Our son’s wolf was present as well, standing guard. I smiled, allowing my eyes to close, exhaling a breath of ease and peace.

“How did it go?”

My eyes slowly peeled open to find Xander standing in the doorway. I hadn’t heard him enter the apartment but I’d felt him close. I felt him more profoundly than I ever had which was comforting and frightening at the same time. I’d have to get used to the overwhelming sense of him.

“She’s gone? He okay?” Xander motioned to Rafe with a tilt of his head.

“Yes, he’s fine. He whined a little after you left. Maybe he sensed everything happening…”

“Or maybe he sensed my absence.” Xander’s brow pinched as he stared at our son. It felt like he was trying to convince himself of what he had just said.

“Both, I’m sure. You sent her away?”

“She left.”

“Was she guilty?”


“Then why did she leave?” I studied him closely.

“She was hurt…” His eyes locked with mine.

“Because of us?”

“Partially yes but mostly because we all blamed her.”

“She’s a wolf, she has to understand the loyalty and protectiveness of a pack.”

“I’m sure she does but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t offended by the accusations and hurt by…”


He shrugged. “Maybe, but that’s not my concern. You’re my concern.” He approached and carefully removed Rafe from my arms. He cradled him against his chest and smiled when Rafe sighed in contentment.

“You’re right. He is perfect.”

“I feel his wolf. Is that normal?”

Xander nodded but kept his eyes on Rafe’s tiny little face. “For you, yes. You’re his mother. I feel him because his wolf communicates with mine. They want to meet. To bond.”

“When will that happen?” I frowned, staring at the two of them. Xander’s upper body was bare. They’d left out of here so fast he hadn’t bothered with a shirt or shoes. Xander was also perfect but in a different way. The cut of his body. The way his pants hung low on his hips, granting a teasing view of the contours and lines that cut down his sides and stomach disappearing into the cotton pants that covered his lower half.

“Not for a while. He’s not ready to shift yet. For now, we’ll communicate and bond this way.” Xander lowered his face, pressing his forehead to our son’s. “But first, I’m going to communicate with his mother.”

When his eyes shifted left and dragged over me, my blood warmed. “We should sleep. It’s late.”

It had to be somewhere between three or four in the morning but my body was buzzing with energy. I wasn’t tired.
