Page 101 of Hearing her Cries

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Zoey grabbed the list of potentials Sydney had given her. Saint Daviess would fit right there between the twins and Paige.

A baby named Saint Daviess had been born at Finley CreekCountyGen, now also owned by Nikkie Jean’s father, fifteen months before Paige.

Denise had averaged a baby every fifteen to eighteen months. Except between the twins and Paige, and Paige and Zoey. If each went for an average of two hundred grand…Denise could have made a killing. So what had happened to that money? And where was Saint Daviess now?

If Saint was genuine, he was out there somewhere. And…there could be another between Paige and Zoey. There had been time for another pregnancy and birth.

Possiblytwoothers out there somewhere. If Denise had been really busy.

Her phone rang.

She grabbed it, half thinking it had to be her phantom caller. Or Murdoch. She did rather have Murdoch on the brain, after all.

Sydney’s wicked face was on the screen.

Zoey put her on speaker. It was time for a conference call. And a distraction. “Hey, Syd. Where are you? Are you with Pen?”

“Your baby girl is camping out at Jillian’s. Pen is watching the Sweeney-man while Rafe covers a shift in the ED and terrorizes everyone there. I just made it in from St. Louis.”

“What were you doing there?” Sydney hopped back and forth between Finley Creek and St. Louis constantly. There was a restlessness in Sydney. Ghosts that haunted that girl completely. It would take her time to get through. “Shouldn’t you be resting? You know, sitting still, letting the body heal?”

“I was talking to the older models of us, actually. Ran a few names by Luc, had Carrie do a bit of…earthworm work. She’s amazingly good at that.” Sydney’s oldest sister was the best ferret online Zoey had ever seen, no denying that.

Sydney was phenomenal. Grace was just as extraordinary.

But Carrie? Carrie was terrifying.

“Did Carrie find anything?”

“You might say that. What would you say if I told you D-period-Davis had three more…sons…that I can give you locations for—right this very minute?”

Sydney’s voice had an odd tone that Zoey couldn’t quite identify. “Can you confirm?”

“Most likely. I’ll call you in a few hours with more.”

Someone knocked on her door. Zoey knew. “I have to go. Murdoch just got here.”

“Enjoy. Iwon’tcall you tonight, actually. It can wait. I bet that guy knows what to do with a woman for real. Nothingman dogabout Murdoch Lake. You lucky girl.”

Just like that, Sydney disconnected. Leaving her to face Murdoch again.

* * *

Murdoch pulledin a deep breath as the realization that coming home to this woman was the one thing he wanted more than anything else in the world.

That scared a man, really.

It just did.

“How did it go?” She held the cat in her arms, like a baby. The cat just purred and purred when Zoey held him like that. She’d be really pretty holding babies, he bet. Babies with dark hair and that sweet smile.

Murdoch wished he wasn’t such a coward.

“I got the tar beaten out of me. Hold me, darlin’.”

“What?” She came off the back step, barefooted. Her feet were probably about the only parts of her that weren’t exactly perfect, he decided. They were just a little too big. Just atiny, tinybit. She’d probably slug him if he told her that. Still, there was bright-red nail polish on those ever-so-slightly-too big toes. And that more than made up for it.

No one could ever be perfect, after all. But his woman…came so, so close.
