Page 115 of Hearing her Cries

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He was so damnedreal.

That mattered so much in the world of secrets she found herself living in now.

And he wantedher.

Her fingers were the first to go for buttons. She popped the top two. She just wanted to feel him against her, warm, strong, alive.

She felt so alive when she was with Murdoch.

It clicked.

That was what it was.

When with him, she felt alive again. Felt whole. Felt likeshewas real again, too.

Like her life was hers, based off her decisions, and not just what she was supposed to do. She’d just been following the twelve-step plan to back to the way her world was before. A trauma-recovery road map that made not a moment of good happen.

As if it could ever work that way. There was no go backing for her. Back to the Zoey she’d beenbefore.All she could do was find the new Zoey she wanted to benow.

She yanked back to breathe as that thought sank in. “What are we actually doing here?”

That was something shereallyneeded to know.

“I think it’s obvious. You escaped me, now I’m going to punish you.” He smacked one hand against her hip, lightly. Then caressed. She shivered. Just at that simple touch. “And we’re both going to enjoy it. We’ll discuss what you did later. If I can even remember what it was. First, it has been too damned long since I kissed you.”

“It hasn’t been that long.” Just since the rental company parking lot. That was it. Then again, it did seem like forever ago, didn’t it?

“Thirteen lifetimes.” And then he had her shirt off and had her in his arms again, carrying her to the nearest bed. He had to be sore from the altercation last night, but…he carried her. She let him.

Zoey let him lower her to the duvet. Let him follow her down.

She knew what was going to happen. Neither of them were inexperienced kids here. She knew what was going to happen, and she was prepared for the consequences. And she was ready. No matter what those consequences ended up being.

“I have my off-duty on my ankle. Might want to remove that first,” she warned. Her fingers trailed down the male chest she’d exposed.

He shivered.

She did it again. Never had she touched a more perfect chest. If she had—she couldn’t remember when.

“I’ll get to it. There is birth control in my bag. I’ll take care of you.”

She was sure he would.

And then she showed him what words couldn’t.

This man made her feelaliveagain.

Zoey was starting to get used to the idea that life could change in a heartbeat now. Hers just kept changing, after all.


With him, she knew exactly what she was going to get.

He was as trustworthy and dependable in his own stalking panther kind of way as Sydney had said. She could count on that.

That meant more than words could ever convey.

