Page 122 of Hearing her Cries

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Vaughn’s rage built. Didn’t Crispin Maria’s needs matter to the old man at all? Her life?

Gregory wasn’t going todisposeof Vaughn’s angel. That just wasn’t going to happen. “Listen, just leave her where she’s at. I’ll take care of her for you later. Take a break, get your thoughts together. For now, which one do you want me to grab next?”

“Yes, yes, just leave her where she is. I need to think.” The old man raised a hand to his forehead, then rubbed his eyes. They were bloodshot. The man looked like hell.

Was Gregory even in there right now? Somehow Vaughn doubted it. “Why don’t you go rest, Greg? I’ll take care of everything.”

He waited until Gregory had made his choice of Crispin Maria’s sisters. The girl he wanted now.

He listened to Gregory’s instructions. His requests. “I’ll make it work. You just…I’ll take care of that one later, understood? I’m looking forward to it. Just leave her there for me.”

Hell, yes, Vaughn would trade that one for Crispin Maria in a heartbeat. The old man headed back down to his laboratory in the basement.

Vaughn seized his chance.

He headed back to the second floor, sending a snarl at the little girl playing by the windows. She liked it there, that kid. That window on the back of the house and the third floor one on the front. Probably because she could see the world she was missing.

Had she ever left this hellhole even once? That seriously sucked for a kid. Why hadn’t Vaughn ever realized that before? “Get downstairs. Stay there.”

Oakley just ran, a frightened look on the little face very much like…Crispin Maria’s.

Hell, that kid resembled Crispin Maria a great deal. Except for the eyes, anyway. He hadn’t noticed that before either.

Then he was there. With Crispin Maria.

She just looked up at him. She’d lost the sunglasses she always wore. Her eyes were focused right on him. Filled with fear. “Who are you?”

Even her voice was perfect. Vaughn’s heart raced. She was so beautiful. Her arms were taped above her head. Her T-shirt was pulled tight across her chest. She didn’t have much there—most of her sisters didn’t either—but she was still so feminine. So graceful.

She didn’t need big breasts to be perfect.

She already was perfect. So much like an angel. “I’m here to take care of you.”

She flinched.

He reached out a hand and cupped her cheek. Brushed his finger across her bottom lip.

So soft.

So kissable.

He laughed when she bit at him. His little angel had some fire in there. It spoke of a life of passion together. When she was ready. “My precious angel. I’m here to take care of you now.”

He pulled his pocketknife free.

She flinched, but didn’t scream. He held a finger to his lips. She was practically shaking apart, right there in front of him. “It’s just for a little while. I need to go grab Gregory one of your sisters, that’s all. Instead of you. I give him one of them, and then you can be mine. Then you and I, precious angel, we’ll be together forever.”

He sliced through the tape securing her to the headboard quickly.

Her eyes widened. She shook her head. “Don’t hurt my sisters.Please,just don’t. Don’t hurt them, please. Don’t hurt any of them. Please.”

“Shhh. It’s better this way.”

Vaughn lifted her in his arms and held her close for just a moment. Even though she fought.

He had to put her somewhere. Somewhere Gregory wouldn’t find her.

There were other rooms in this hellhole. Many of them. It had been a rehab facility, after all. He would just put her somewhere, and come back for her when he could.
