Page 127 of Hearing her Cries

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The sheriffof Garrity County was as beautiful as her mother. Gregory stood over Zoey Sofia as she slept, unconscious, on the narrow bed in the basement cell he had prepared for her himself. He brushed his finger down her exquisite cheek.

She resembled her mother, extraordinarily so, but the cheekbones were different. Much like the two older brothers who now called L.A. home. She favored those brothers, most definitely.

Her mouth was Denita’s. He ran his fingers over her lips lightly.

She was far more womanly than the teenager upstairs. But the resemblance was there.

A good decade separated them, of course. That accounted for most of the differences. Denita had been five nine or so as well. Not as tall as the one upstairs. Not quite as thin. There were differences between this young woman and the mother she would never be blessed to know. But for his purposes, shelookedthe most like Denita.

That was important, but not the most important characteristic, of course.

She had a very high IQ. In the 150s, he believed.

He’d had his contacts with the state social services department take her to be tested when she had been around eight years old. He had been impressed with the results. It had had him keeping a watchful eye overthisone.

In case he needed her for phase two. As he did now.

His forethinking had paid off quite well. He had always been good at planning.

He looked at the men standing in the door to the basement. “Excellent. Did anyone notice anything?”

“Just a damned cat,” Vaughn smirked. But there was something in his eyes now, something Gregory couldn’t identify. Anger almost, fervor, too. “Now, you want me to deal with the younger one upstairs?”

“Not…yet.” Gregory didn’t truly want to think about disposing of one of his darling Denita’s daughters, but Crispin now posed a serious risk to the safety of his work. That would have to be considered. But she wasn’t going anywhere yet. Not for a long while, anyway. “Not yet. I have one more task for you. You can deal with the girl upstairs this evening. Just do so gently, understand? For now, I need you to get me the surrogate I have chosen. The perfect one. Then we will discuss payment. Take Ross and Hector and a few friends with you. I cannot afford delay—or mistakes, this time.”

Vaughn just nodded. “Leave the girl upstairs alone, Greg. I’ll handle her. I don’t want you to get caught anywhere near her. I’ve got a plan for her. A safe one.”

“You are a good son, Vaughn. I am glad you are mine. Even if it’s not by blood. I couldn’t have made it this far without you.”

Gregory gave Vaughn the specifics of who he wanted and where to find her.

Then Vaughn was gone.

And Gregory had a task of his own to complete now.

One back in Finley Creek. He must leave at once.

There were ninety minutes between his laboratory and Finley Creek. When he returned, Zoey would be waking shortly after.

And phase two would finally begin.


They still hadn’t heardfrom Crispin.

Bonnie had to get home. She hurried to her car—she'd had to park at the rear of the newer parking garage. Behind it, in the far back lot. She hated it back there. It was dark and frightening. A little unsafe, although the security guards supposedly patrolled there, too. And there were cameras.

She didn't care about that now. She just had to find her car. She dug her keys out of her bag. Her hands were shaking so hard.

Some pervert could have focused on Crispin, seen how beautiful she was, seen how sweet and naive. What if some monster had taken her baby? To hurt her. To do things Bonnie refused to let herself think about. Her cheeks were soaked.

Crispin was out there, and she was in trouble. Someone should have found her out there somewhere. They had enough people searching now.

She was checking her phone one more time before climbing into her little car when someone said her name behind her.

She turned, quickly.

That man, that doctor from the cafeteria before, stood there. She was too upset for a moment to place him. Dr. Eastman. He stopped and stared at her for a long moment. "Bonita? Is something wrong, my dear?"
