Page 140 of Hearing her Cries

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"Let me go, you sick bastard." Bonnie tugged on her arms. He was holding her wrists above her head with one hand. Her left arm hurt so badly. Pain was blinding her.

She tried not to think about what his other hand was doing.

Why her scrub top was up, her stomach exposed. His fingers touched her, just below the ribs.


She twisted. Fought. As he just kept running his fingers over her skin. Reverently.

"You are so soft to the touch. Velvet. Silk. I just knew you would be, darling. You have come back to me now. Just as young as you were when I lost you last. Better. Stronger than you were when I last touched you, though you are a bit smaller now, too, aren’t you? Shorter, most certainly. Far more beautiful than I could have imagined. Far better cared for than before. I didn't take care of you properly before, darling. But I will now. I will now. I will now, forever. I will not lose you again." He trailed his fingers over her stomach again, nudging her top up even more.

So he could look at her. Sheknewthat was what he was doing.

He had to be able to see her bra now. Bonnie shivered—in revulsion.

He buried the fingers of one hand in her hair. She'd worn it pulled up, but it was loose now. He had to have done that. Touched her hair.

She didn't even want to think what else he might have done to her while she'd been unconscious. Where else he might have…touched.

Bonnie bit back the bile.

She had to get away. And she had to find... "Did you take my daughter? Do you have Crispin here?"

His face tightened with anger. "She is not your daughter. You will not call her that."

If he thought Crispin was his daughter, or just Denita’s, maybe he hadn’t hurt her daughter? Maybe Crispin was here.

Maybe Bonnie could get to her.

Bonnie would playanyof his sick games, if it meant finding her daughter and getting Crispin away from this sick monster. There was nothing she wouldn’t do to find her baby girl and get her away from here. She would do anything he wanted to find her daughter.

"Sheismy daughter, Dr. Eastman. I'm the one who rocked her through the nights. I'm the one who held her when she cried every day, not understanding why she was different than other girls. I'm the one who found a way to educate her when the school system just couldn't keep up with her. I'm the one who tells her I love her every night. Who makes sure she eats her damned vegetables and drives her to school. I am the one who worries she’s not eating enough. Iamthe one who will never stop until I find her.NotDenita. She will never be Denita's daughter again. That ended when my sister left her like trash on the rug. Crispin ismybaby. Not hers. Never hers ever again."

His hands went around her neck.

Squeezed so hard, Bonnie thought she was just going to die right there, no matter how hard she fought. He was so big and so strong, even though he was close to seventy.

He was so big…

Black dots floated behind her eyes.

"Stop saying that! She is Denita's! She always will be. And so will all the others!"


There weremore?

Not just Crispin. Not just Cashlyn. There had beenmore?

Bonnie reached up and aimed straight for his eyes.

She had to get away. She had to.

Crispin needed her now.


His beautiful Bonitawas definitely a fighter. Gregory held her down and deflected the hands coming at his face. She fought, even though she was hurting.
