Page 148 of Hearing her Cries

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And Zoey was there alone. She pulled her arm free. And looked for something, anything, to protect herself somehow.

There was nothing.

Not even a damned scalpel amongst his evil doctor tool collection.


The redheaded manhad dragged Pen out of the van over his shoulder, telling the dark-haired guy with a lisp and their two friends to get the redheaded guardian of hell inside—without laying a finger on her.

His crude order had been rather clear. Hands off.

If Sydney got knocked up by one of them—they wouldn’t get paid.

They’d done what they were told. Even the guy who had been sobbing like his world had ended.

His brother had been killed. By the blonde. He’d just kept saying that repeatedly. That bitch had killed his only brother. Murdered Ted for nothing.

Grace had shot his brother. Pen had watched it happen.

Another guy had been killed by Gerard.


Pen bit back wild grief, for Gerard, and Grace, and Jo-Jo.

She’d seen the bullets hit Jo-Jo.

Then Grace.

Before they’d taken her and Sydney.

They’d carried Pen into one room. In the basement. They’d taken Sydney somewhere else. Somewhere near the back andupstairs, the lisper had said.

The redheaded man wanted to showPento the man who would be paying them. And giving the redheaded manhis precious angelin exchange. The redheaded man wanted his angel really badly.

Pen wasn’t really sure what was going on at all. She was too afraid to eventhink.

There was a man now. He was equally as tall as Rafe and Caine. But softer. Older. She’d seen him before. At Melody’s ball. Had spoken to him, even.

He’d scared her then.

He terrified her now.

He was staring at her eyes, and breathing heavily. There were scratches on his cheek.

Fresh ones.

Ones he’d gotten before she and Sydney had arrived.

There was someone else in here now. Captive. Someone who had fought him, too.

Who was maybe even dead now. Pen or Sydney were next. Pen just knew it.

Pen fought the urge to throw up when he put his face right next to hers. He grabbed her chin, and squeezed, hard, when she instinctively tried to pull back. He turned her head, first left and then right. Inspecting her.

He pulled out a small pen light and shone it in her eyes carefully.

"Good. Good." He patted her on the cheek. He flicked her small nose ring dismissively, and yanked a lock of her blue hair. "Your rebellion, I take it, young lady? Yes, you are part of the set, aren't you? I noticed before, at the Barratt that night. But I am not certain what I am to do with you now. Considering…genetics being what they are. Unless the original damage to that other girl was in fact caused accidentally like she’d reported. Then again, if you turn out to be as perfect a donor as your sister undoubtedly will…I could retrieve twice as many as I originally thought. Or get what I need in half as much time. Speed is definitely a factor at this phase. You do have a higher IQ than your sister. That could be something I test as well. Yes. I may have use for you, after all. A bit too early to tell. Never matter, I shall pay their asking price. I do pay for silence mostly, you understand.”
