Page 149 of Hearing her Cries

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Pen just watched him. She thought about kicking him right in the stomach, but there was no way she'd be able to get away from the guy with him leaning over her right now. She bit back the nausea again. Then she just couldn’t.

The old dude barely got out of the way in time.

She’d made him mad with that. She didn’t care.

He was at least in his midsixties, but he was big. Equally as big as her brothers Rafe and Caine, who were six foot five or six or so. She wasn't going to be able to escape him from physical prowess.

She'd have to outsmart him.

She was smart, no denying that. Zoey had made sure she was street-smart, too. Zoey had made sure she could take care of herself.

She wasn't stupid. She wasn't. She could get out of this. Her family would be looking for her soon.

Shealwayswore her bracelet. She still had it on.

As soon as someone realized Jo-Jo and Grace were hurt—they’d start looking for her and Sydney. She just had to hold on until they got there to rescue them.

Sydney was in here someplace, too. Pen was going to find her. They would escape together. He muscled her into a long hallway, next. Up a narrow flight of stairs.

The redheaded man followed.

"My family will come for me. My friends." They literally had private armies at their disposal. All they had to do was realize she and Sydney were in trouble. Luc had more than two dozen guards. They just had to know she was in trouble first.

His expression turned almost rabid. "No one will take you away from me again. No one will find you here. Or the young women in the basement now."


The guy was completely insane.

She looked toward the fading light from the window. She was at least one floor up now. No more basement. He muscled her into what looked like a vintage medical exam room and shoved her onto the exam table.

Pen tried tothink.To figure out what was going on here, so she could get out of here. What would Zoey do? That was what she’d do. WWZD. That was her new motto until she was home with her sister. No matter what.

They’d carried her into a weird looking house of some kind. An orphanage or something. This was a big place. Sydney was in here somewhere. Pen was going to get away from this butt-wipe and find Sydney. They’d get out of here.

And any other poor girl they had grabbed, too.

"Who took me last time, dude? I think I'd rather be with them right now than you, honestly."

His hand cracked against her cheek. Pen cried out.

"Do not sass me, young lady. It will not be tolerated. We have work to do now.As soon as I finish inspecting you. Why must you all be so damned disrespectful? Your contributions will change the course of the world’s future, yet you are all so insolent!"

This guy was sick.

He wasn't the first monster to ever strike her. Her third foster father had liked giving her the back of his hand when she looked at him wrong.

She would get through this. And get back to Zoey.

Thoughts of her sister had her ready to cry.

Zoey would come for her.

She always had before.Zoeywould be thefirstone to get to her. Pen just knew it. Pen intended to meet her big sister at the gate.

"Let me go, asshole."

"Shush. Tell me. Any health problems as a child?"
