Page 158 of Hearing her Cries

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Gregory had saved all his research to external servers. He had made certain never to keep anything here or at FCGH or any of the other office locations he kept.

Hecouldjust leave.

He had money in offshore accounts he could access at any time. He had always planned contingencies. He wasn’t a fool. He knew how important his work was to the entirety of mankind.

There would always be those ignorant and greedy souls who would seek to destroy it.

He had planned accordingly, after all.

It might push his experiment back a month or so, but that was something he could live with. But could he factor in the women he had now?

If he kept them sedated and under complete control, it could work. He would need a van large enough to transport them. But the Beck girl and Zoey would certainly need to be secured as much as possible. They were young, strong, healthy girls, far more capable of escaping him then his beautiful Bonita.

He would not be able to take Crispin or Orion and Oakley with him. They would have to disappear, so the experiment could go on. His work had suffered losses and setbacks before. Yes, they’d need disposed of quickly.

To lose the two children and Crispin was nothing more than another setback, that was all.

He could do this. Without too much damage to his plans.

Gregory did already have escape plans in place. It would just take adaptation to make it work.

He could even leave the surrogate and Denita's Zoey behind. If he had to. That was an option as well. Probably a safer one, even though it would cause inevitable delays.

There were alwaysothersout there.

Other daughters of Denita.

Why, one was just now eleven or twelve, he believed. If he got her now, Bonita could care for her. Until the girl was a little older. Ready to donate. If the girl was already ovulating, that could be in as little as six months. He couldn’t recall at the moment, but there might be other females in that same age range, now, too.

Not exactly approved for a donor age, but he could always adapt the paperwork to list her as older if needed. No one would have to know the truth. He had fake documents aplenty.

He’d paid dearly for them, after all. Money could buy a man everything he could possibly want. Especially in this greatest country on earth. He had known that for decades.

Finley Creek had been a hub ofshadowactivity for more than six decades. If one knew where to look and had the connections to make it happen.

Denita’s DNA existed in so many young women now, Gregory could not remember the exact count, off the top of his head.

Denita even hadgranddaughtersgetting old enough to participate in the experiment now.

Yes. He could make it work. And if needed, he could eliminate the need for a surrogate as well. Scale down the experiment. Tighten the variables. Impregnate one of Denita’s daughters directly. He’d always considered that, but putting her daughters through the stress of pregnancy multiple times had been something he had been hesitant to do. But…it was time to revise that thinking.

Perhaps just taking his beautiful Bonita with him would suffice for now.

He could focus on just being with Bonita for the next year or so. Enjoying her, taking a break. While he revised the study a bit. And while he made certain his lab in El Paso or the one in Mexico were still operational.

And until Bonita learned what he expected of her.

She was far more passionate than he had expected. He wanted to enjoy that now. While he was still young enough to make it happen. He could always obtain a prescription for an aid for his vitality, if needed. So he could keep up with her fire.

She was quite a bit younger than he. He would want to make certain he could keep up with her needs. Like a good lover always should.

That was what he would do. Take a break—spend time with his beautiful Bonita while he revised his plans.

"Burn it all down. Lock all the girls in. Every last one. Including the surrogate. And the children. Erase everything. All of them. Leave no witnesses." Vaughn knew how to do it properly. They had discussed a contingency plan just like this. "There is enough accelerant in the shed out back to do what needs done. Don't dawdle. Erase everything. No matter what."

"Hell, burn the kids, too?" Vaughn gawked at him for a moment. The boy…didn’t he understand they had to do whatever was necessary to preserve Gregory’sworknow?

The children, even Denita’s daughters, they didn’t matter as much as Gregory’s work. They couldn’t.
