Page 160 of Hearing her Cries

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Melody would swoop in and save her right now. Just like Melody always had done.

Sydney forced herself to think. To strategize.

So, what would Melody do right now? Melody would get Pen the hell out of here, that’s what Melody would do. Then Melody would kick that old bastard’s ass.

This was just a bedroom. They were in a house. From the wallpaper and the style of trim, which probably hadn't been updated in her lifetime, it was an older one.

Maybe it wasn't as secure as it could be either.

She had four older sisters who were total hellions. Three who had worked in some form of law enforcement. They'd taught her things. Like Jillian teaching her how to use one of Melody's hair pins to pick the bathroom lock when she'd been a kid and that mean old brat Brynna had locked her in the bathroom all those times. Brynna had liked to lock people in bathrooms when she had been a kid. Even her baby sister when Sydney had gotten too annoying.

Which…pot, kettle, there. Brynna had always been her most annoying sister.

She was going to be there to tell Brynna she hoped Brynna’s new baby was just as annoying as her mother had always been.

Brynna and Jillian would both have babies soon.

Aunt Sydney was going to be there. No matter what.

She had a brother-in-law who designed law enforcement technology. He had taught her things, too.

Sydney could get herself out of a simple locked bedroom.

There were three doors. One was a closet.

One led to a bathroom.

It had another door. And an old lock. Just like on the downstairs bathroom in her dad's house all those years ago. And she had a head full of those stupid, sharp old-fashioned bobby pins she used to give the hair some lift just for the hell of it.

It took her some doing, but she was able to get the old door open.

Sydney crept into the hall.

Pen. Finding Pen was her first priority.

There was another door right there. She opened it slowly, to reveal a room completely devoid of furniture.

The only other door led to the closet. She should have expected that. She almost closed it, out of habit.

Then a foot came out of nowhere. A foot wearing a pink sock.

Someone moved a lot closer.

Sydney bit back a scream when she saw pale skin and big eyes staring at her—terror on the face she could barely see in the dark space.

Someone was pressed against the back wall of the closet.

Sydney grabbed the small bedside lamp and tilted it toward the back.

Sydney's eyes widened when the light from next to the bed illuminated the dark-haired girl right there in front of her.

It had been almost too easy.

"Hallelujah. We have so got to get out of here. Give me your hands." Sydney hadn't been bound, not once the asshole had inspected her and they’d locked her in that damned bedroom, but Pen was.

There was a gag around Pen’s mouth.

Sydney had accomplished the first part of her mission. She had Pen back.
