Page 201 of Hearing her Cries

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He just had to find her.

That was what he would do. Try to find her one more time. “Bonita!”

He would find his Bonita, take her with him.

Denita would live on through her. He would make Bonita love him. He would. And he would treat he as he should have treated her sister so long ago.

He would have a second chance.

Bonitawas his second chance. He had to get to her now.

He would keep her until he met his eternity. Have her love for his own. It wouldn't be Denita, but Bonita was as close as he could get now.

She would have to be enough.

But first...

Denita...Denita's soul had to be erased first. So he could be free to be with Bonita's instead.

He had to get out of here now, find his Bonita.

And leave. Forever.

They were stopping him now.

He raised the gun Vaughn had given him years ago. For his sixtieth birthday present. Vaughn had said he had found it when cleaning out the manor house right there up the drive.

It had been Andreas's weapon. Denita’s grandfather had taken it with him on all his adventures. He had died with it in his hand, and it had been sent back to his son Andrew several years later.

It was fitting it be used tonight.

Andreas's great-granddaughters stared at him now. With their mother's eyes.

Now it was time. To finish what he started.


Sydney didn't taketime to think, to hesitate. That little girl, that sweet baby girl, no bigger than a minute. So afraid. So innocent.

That baby deserved so much better from the world thanthis. She barely looked like she was even five years old.

It was too dark to really see her well, but Sydneyknew.

That baby girl had those eyes.

She had Pen's eyes. Luc’s, Rafe’s, Caine’s, Ariella’s, Paige’s, Simon’s and Zoey’s.

Slater’s eyes.

They all had those same rich dark-brown eyes.

Sydney's baby girl would have had those eyes, too. Sydney justknewit. Her baby girl would have had those eyes.

Just like that sweet little girl now.

That old bastard raised the gun.

There was a madness on his face.
