Page 213 of Hearing her Cries

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And Bonnie.

The swelling had gone down on her arm enough, and a surgical team had opened up in the middle of the night. Her sister’s wrist had required only minor surgery to correct. The hospital staff hadn’t wanted her to have towait.

Probably because she’d been abducted from there. Liability and lawsuits and all.

Now, Bonnie wanted to go home. With Crispin.

With Cashlyn, Samia, Joy, and Eden all working in the medical field, the surgeon who had treated Bonnie felt confident enough, he’d said, to let her go home. Provided they watched her closely.

They were going to be watching Bonnie for a long, long time.

Crispin, too.

Joy’s phone buzzed. “She’s ready.”

“Let’s go get her.” Heather looked up. There was a man looking at her now. Watching her and Joy. She tensed. She’d seen him before.

The billionaire.

Her nephew.

She’d googled him last night. She and Joy both had.

He was six years older than Heather and her twin. And richer than a third world country.

And he was coming their way.

She and Joy and Eden stood. Ember snoozed in her arms again. They’d let her keep the baby in the hospital room overnight. She suspected the man who ran the hospital had made that call.

They were probably worried what her family woulddo.Dr. Eastman had been employed here for decades. Bonnie had been taken from here.

The hospital hadn’t even realized it until hours later.

Their security guard should haveseen.Heather didn’t understand why he hadn’t.

The billionaire and two identical men stopped right in front of them. Stared. At least, the billionaire did. Rather rudely.

Heather met his gaze with a challenging one of her own. “Can I help you?”

“So…are you Denise—Denita’s sister? Or niece?” he asked. He smirked at her. Challenged.

“I am her younger sister. Heather Coleson. This is my twin, Dr. Joy Coleson-Greene. And my late sister Angela’s daughter, Eden. Angela and Bonita shared the same mother and father with Denita. And Diana. We believe Diana died more than twenty years ago.” She kept her tone cool. Even though she was shaking inside. Not that she was afraid of him because of his money or anything. But there was a dangerous air about him she couldn’t put her finger on. “We just don’t know for sure. We weren’t even aware Denita had died five years ago until last night.”

He definitely made her nervous.

“And this one?” He looked down at Ember and smiled. Frankie and this man had similar smiles. Heather’s grandfather’s smile. That rocked her a little. No denying that.

It had been one hell of a rotten last twenty-four hours, that was it.

“This is my youngest daughter, Kemberly. Named after my mother.”

“My cousin?”

“Half cousin, maybe? Denita was my half sister, if you want to get technical. I’m calling her Ember.”

“She’s beautiful. My second will be born in a few months.” He leveled a look at her. As more people stepped up behind her. She turned. Her family was there. Minus Bonnie, Cashlyn, Crispin, and Samia.

Marcia had stayed home with the kids. Her elder sister got nervous in large, stressful situations. She always had been more reserved than the rest of them.
