Page 215 of Hearing her Cries

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They definitely didn’t know how intimidating they could be when the three of them did that.

Zoey had listened to what the other women were saying.

She recognized the fear in their words. And she couldn’t stand it.

The fear ended today.

These women hadn’t been any more responsible for her mother’s actions than…she had. Or Pen or Oakley or Orion or any of the others.

She’d met her ownsisterlast night. When Cashlyn had come into the room to check on Orion. Her sister. There was no denying that was who Cashlyn was. She was an even sweeter—if that was even possible?—version of Ariella. With Pen’s cheekbones and nose.

Zoey had been awake—a nightmare had ripped her from sleep, even with the pain killers she’d been given. And there that young woman had been. Standing at her door. Afraid to step in.

Paige had been asleep in the chair next to Zoey’s bed. Like she had been fourteen months before. Zoey had invited Cashlyn in. Paige had wakened. And they had met their little sister.

It had been one of the most awkward moments of Zoey’s life. But it had given her hope, too.

Maybe they wouldn’t ever be close, but Zoey wanted to know her Coleson relatives. And to learn where Denita had come from.

Because that was where Zoey had come from, too. And Pen and her brothers and sisters, and little Oakley and Orion.

They deserved their family. All of their family.

And that meant…someone had to take that first step.

“Hello. I’m Zoey Daviess. Denita was my mother.” She stepped forward. “And these are my younger siblings, Orion and Oakley. I will be adopting them as soon as I can.”

They had a long way to go until that was a possibility. But she was going to make what she could happen.

She looked at the women staring back at her now. “When the time is right and you are all ready, can we talk?”

“I’m Heather Coleson, Wichita Falls TSP IA. This is my twin sister Joy. She’s a doctor here in Peds. And my niece Eden.” Heather nodded. “We’ll talk to you. But not today. Not today. I just want to take my family home.”

She sounded overwhelmed and like she was ready to break down at any moment. And the baby in her arms was fussing. She wasn’t very old either. Less than two weeks or so. So tiny, so precious.

Just like the two kids looking at Zoey now, confusion on their little faces.

Zoey let go of Oakley’s hand for a moment. And held it out to Heather instead. Their fingers linked. “We’ll figure this out. Together. We tend to take care of each other in our family. It’s rather what we do.”

She looked at her three brothers for confirmation. Like they shared the same brain cell, they nodded as one.

“That’s something we have in common, then,” the blond woman said. “Colesons take care of Colesons, too.”

A male voice broke in. “Ok, now that the introductions are done…” Zoey turned.

And therehewas. The man she loved. Walking around like he hadn’t been shot multiple times just twelve hours ago. That same cocky Murdoch grin on his face. “Hey babe. I’ve been looking for you. I’ve got something to say to you—”

She justknew.

Nope. She was going to beat him to it. “I love you, you jerk. And don’t you ever forget it. I was determined to say it first.”

“Hey, I was going to say it first.” He opened his arms. “Come here. It has been far too long since I held you.”

Zoey stepped right into his arms. Laid her head gently on his broad shoulder. Opposite of the bandages she could see on his neck and arm.

“Take it easy, you two! We’ve just gotten you both put back together again!” Rafe said.

“Shush. It’s their big moment,” Nikkie Jean told him.
