Page 45 of Hearing her Cries

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“You don’t look a day over twenty-nine and eleven months.”

“Get. Have fun. Call me if you need me.”

Less than an hour later, Zoey was alone.

With a stack of medical records going back more than forty years. It was time to get started.


Murdoch sawthe woman for the first time at the Garrity Independent Grocer. Something about the smooth way she had of walking caught his attention pretty damned fast. So he watched. Tried to figure out if he’d ever seen her before.

It took him a good two minutes of watching the gorgeous woman in hospital scrubs with the silky dark hair in a braid down her back for him to realize she probably had a good thirteen or fourteen years on him. She looked younger than what she was, he suspected. Maybe around forty-five or so. Still, he watched.

He’d always found older women attractive. And younger women. And women in between.

Like Zoey Sofia Daviess, for example.

This woman definitely reminded him of Zoey. No denying that. So he watched. Yeah, she did remind him of Zoey. Mostly in the build, though this woman was shorter, darker complected, a bit thinner.

Hell. He had Zoey on the brain.

It had been one week since he’d kissed her in the moonlight.

She even crept into his dreams at night.

Well, that wasn’t anything new. This time, though, she chasedhiminstead of him chasingher.

That was different. Entertaining. And so, never going to happen.

Hell, maybe he needed an intervention or an exorcism, or something. Anything to get that woman out of his head.

Zoey was gone.

She’d left Garrity practically forever now.

He was going to have to move on.

He focused on his job. There was a stranger in town. That always made a man like him curious.

When the pretty lady dropped her wallet, he hustled over. Like the good sheriff he was. But by the time he stood back up, she’d rounded the end of the aisle.

Fast little lady, the lady in the mint green scrubs.

“Ma’am? Hey, ma’am?” He half jogged up behind her. He touched her shoulder lightly, then stepped back. He was a big guy and could be a bit intimidating. Even when he tried not to.

She turned with a gasp. He stepped back again, mostly in surprise.

This pretty lady had the Zoey eyes, too.

Big, dark, mysterious, able to capture unsuspecting blond sheriff men in an instant. “You dropped your wallet.”

“Oh my. Thank you.” Her voice was soft, shy, a bit higher than Murdoch’s goddess, but similar.

She took her wallet back but still eyed him suspiciously. Maybe it was the suspicion that was Zoey and not the big dark-brown eyes? Zoey always looked at him like she thought he was up to something, too.

Well, nine times out of ten, he probably was.

“I would have needed that at the register.”
