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The inn beckoned.

A beautiful woman with a smile that could light up the night definitely qualified asgood.

He wondered—had LaDonna worked at that inn? Had Fred? They had come from this town, this county. They hadhistorythere. He bet if he asked about four children left on a damned doorstep, he would find the old gossip soon enough.

Maybe hewouldask. See what had happened to those innocent children.

He’d just go to the diner that seemed to be the center of social activity in the small western town, and ask. “Hello, pretty waitress, do you know of anyone who was left on their grandparents' doorstep twenty-three years ago, who may be willing to talk to me?”

That would probably get him some odd looks. And suspicion.

Especially considering Morris Preston's involvement. If Fred and LaDonna had been friends with a man like that—they probably weren't at thetopof Masterson's most prominent citizens list. Had it even surprised people when they had abandoned four children to grandparents, or was that something that had been just par for the course for the people Fred and LaDonna had been back then?

Sean knew the truth, though. He just wanted to see LaDonna's children. That was all. Make sure they were all okay. To know that something had turned out good.

The oldest would be near thirty. The youngest, twenty-four. Adults. With lives and careers—maybe even children of their own. He needed to make certain they were all okay. That the abandonment hadn't screwed those four children up completely. If it had, maybe he could help in some small way.

Children had been abandoned in Nebraska, too. Children Sean hadn’t known about. If he had—he would have asked to not be given this case. Kids, the cases with kids hurt him the most.

Sean grabbed his duffel bag. The inn definitely drew a man.

Not just because of the beautiful young women who ran the inn. But…Sean was a man, after all. The beautiful women who ran the inn—well, they were certainly adraw.No denying that.

Sean stepped up to the desk. There was a blonde there. The same one from before. Not Dusty, but her cousin. Marian or something. A beautiful woman. Very, very beautiful.

She was speaking to a tall man around Fred's age.

That man turned. Sean almost cursed at what he saw in front of him now.Whohe saw.

Fred Brown's face stared back at him.

The hair was pure silver and cut in a ruthlessly neat cut that Sean had never seen Fred wear. The eyes were hard green. But the face—was Frederick Arnold Brown. Almost enough to be...identical.

Sean tried to strip away the disguises he had seen Fred use through the years. This man...was Fred's brother. Histwinbrother. Of that, Sean was one hundred percent convinced.

His twin brother. Identical.

And the Talley girl at the desk had just called himDad.

Sean had never been considered a stupid man at all.

Frederick Arnold Brown was a Talley. Fred Brown came from…thisinn.

Sean was absolutely certain of it.

The door behind the front registration desk opened. A familiar blond woman stepped through, an elderly dog behind her. He had seen them walking around the inn before. And had enjoyed watching her.Watching how sweet she was with the dog.

“Hello, Uncle Gerald, did Aunt Rhea kick you out?”Uncle.She’d just called Fred Brown’s brother…uncle. Sean’s stomach clenched as pieces began to fall in place. “Marin, I thought you were outside.”

“Just checking the back gate. Making sure it was locked,”Marinsaid, a pensive look on her face Sean didn’t miss. She was an odd woman—he had noticed that before. Gorgeous, but odd. He looked at her again, now that heknew.

How had he missed it before?

Marin had hair the same unusual shade as Dylan’s. And had those same pronounced cheekbones, and delicate feminine mouth. But whereas little Dylan was short and thin, this woman was tall and thin. But there was no denying Dylan and Marin were related in some way.

“We were here for dinner. She is in the dining room chatting with your grandmother.” The man with Fred's face leaned down. Kissed Dusty on her cheek. “How are you, little girl?”

“Pretty good. Tired. But I have two days off on the schedule. Everywhere. I'm going to relax.”
