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What had Fred beenthinking?Of all the foolhardy, stupid things for Fred to do, taking his own daughter that way? Keeping her out in a snowstorm?Druggingher? Fredwould never have done that to Dylan or Devaney, Dahlia, or Dorie. But he had done it to Dusty without a second thought?

Sean reported in to his supervisor about his little side jaunt out into the snow. Technically, he wasn’t supposed to be getting involved in any law enforcement activity not related directly to his assigned witness. But he had played his trump cards. He was one of the more senior marshals assigned to this area. He had a sterling reputation, and an exemplary career. And it was his witnesses’ daughter who had been taken. That had been justification enough.

It could have been connected to the case, after all.

And it was.

But that it was Sean’s own witness who was responsible,damn it.

This was enough to get Fred and LaDonna removed from the program. He never would have thought Fred and LaDonna would be ones to break protocol. They just wouldn’t. Not if it meant endangering their four daughters.

But could Sean have left one of his boys out there with a possible shooter nearby?

No. He wouldn’t have.

He grabbed his phone, when he was alone in his room at the inn. After everyone was excitedly talking about Dusty having beenfound.By that young stud who had been staying at the inn, too. Strange coincidence it had been him to find her.

Then again, Sean had seen them together several times now.

That man wanted that woman. Strongly.

Maybe they had already been together. Maybe he had been searching for the woman he loved.

If that had beenhiswoman out there like that, there was nowhere on the planet Sean wouldn’t go to find her. Hell, he’d search the world for LaDonna or one of her girls in an instant, too.

And if it was one of his boys out there near a possible shooter,nothingwould stop Sean. Ever. Not if it was one of his boys.

Maybe it wasn’t so coincidental, after all.

Fred answered his phone. It shocked the hell out of Sean. “What in the hell did you think you were doing? You will be kicked out for this.”

It was the closest he had ever come to saying anything about WITSEC over the phone with Fred since he had been assigned the Browns in the first place.

“I had no choice. I was getting out of the van after some asshole shot me, so LaDonna could drive. Destiny came right up on us, and saw me, almost less than two minutes after the shooting happened. Recognized me. I had to get her out of there before the shooters targeted her next. In case the bastards were watching. What was I supposed to do? Leave my little girl there?”

“You let your daughter loose in a damned snowstorm drugged out of her mind. She could have been killed out there alone like that.” That was what Sean didn’t understand. How Fred could have just done that. She could have frozen to death, encountered wildlife, or someone could have taken her and hurt her. Killed her.

“I damned well didn’t leave her out there alone. You should know me better than that, Sutton. I was three feet away from her the whole time until those damned Tylers came up on us. I was hiding under a damned pine tree. I watched them myself. Heard her call them by name. Saw her hug one of those damned boys. I wouldneverleave one of my girls in danger like that. I’d kill for my girls. In a heartbeat. Remember that.”

Sean’s fury lessened, just a little. Only a little, though.

“I’m at the inn now. I think she’s involved with one of those boys who found her. He’s been staying here, too. He’s with her a lot. Watches her, teases her.”

“Destiny Marie going to be okay? I just gave her one of my wife’s muscle relaxers, damn it. She should have stayed out for hours. I was going to drive her home and drop her off in the morning. It was too damned dangerous to drive her home last night—between the damned shooter and the road conditions. What the hell was I supposed to do—leave her out there with a man shooting at me? But my girl’s a strong one, stubborn.”

And there was pride in Fred’s voice at that. Damn it, Sean didn’t understand Fred Brown, aka Arthur Talley, sometimes. Not at all.

“Someone shot at us, Sutton. Why don’t you get off your ass and find out who?”

“Why are you back here in the first place? We agreed you’d wait until I gave the all clear.”

“Have no choice. The girls, Dylan, the twins, my Dorie—they took off. We were tracking them, until we think Devaney’s damned phone died. They are out here somewhere. With bastards who have already shot at me and their mother. Find my girls. Help me keep them safe.Allof them. That’s all I am asking.”

The man disconnected.

Leaving Sean with no more information than he’d really had to begin with.
