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The quieter twin’s words barely carried over the crowd. “Devvie, what arewesupposed to donow?”

The bruised twin pulled her closer, wincing again. “I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out. I promise. We’ll do it together.”

The youngest blonde shifted closer. “Somehow, I don’t think we will this time. Where are we even supposed togofor tonight?”

Dusty’s heart broke. They just seemed so young and alone.


Okay,maybe she had acted all confident and bold, but Dylan knew she was in heaps of trouble now. Her father was behind her. She could hear him voicing his opinion on Dylan getting arrested, saying it wasn’t her fault. She was doing what she had to do to protect her family.

That other guy—the one with her father’s face—was questioning her father on why he thought he had room to talk aboutfamily.That dude wasangry.No denying that. Well, Dylan still was, too.

But she could hear her dad now. And Uncle Stan. But mostly herdad.

He was fighting for her. It really didn’t surprise her that he would. Her father loved her. She had never really doubted that before. Until recently.

She looked at the cop walking her through the crowd that had gathered in the front lobby of this inn. People were staring at her. The woman had a friendly look on her pretty face.

Dylan turned her head, studying the people staring.

Well, let them stare. No doubt she and her family would be giving them lots of gossip to chew on now. Once she figured out why, anyway.

There was a trio of men there. Two of them were identical. She’d always noticed identical twins—kind of hard not to, considering her younger sisters. Worry for Devaney, Dahlia, and Dorie tightened her stomach. She was always the one who took care of them. Dylan and Devaney, but… Dylan stopped walking. The dark-haired woman stopped with her. “I get that you have to arrest me, but…what about my sister Devaney? Those jerks took her. I don’t know what they did to her. She got away, but I think they really hurt her. I know they hit her a few times, when they were dragging her from my car. In the face and in the chest. Can someone make certain she’s okay? Dahlia is her twin, but she doesn’t do great in stress situations. Dorie tries, but she’s just a kid. She can’t take care of the twins by herself. Usually if I can’t take care of them and Mom, Devvie does. But she’s hurt and…” Dylan’s breath hitched. She forced herself to hold it together.

“Someone will take care of your sisters. I promise. Watch your step here.”

Dylan stepped up dutifully. She couldn’t help herself—she looked back at those men watching. There was something about the way they held themselves. Talk about hot jalapeños. And, well, guys like that probably meant a lot of trouble.

Her dad had said thosedamned redheaded Tylerswhen he’d told them what had happened years ago. All those men right there hadredhair. They were probably Tylers.

That meant they were probablytrouble.

Well, Dylan Geraldine Whatever-her-real-last-name-was had been raised to meet trouble head on, right?

Her eyes met diamond-blue ones. Her breath stuttered. He was glaring.

It washim.

The light hair was very distinctive. Kind of like her own almost white-blond really. Only his was red-blond and a few shades darker.

She’d seen him well enough on his porch in the rearview mirror to see that much.

He probablyhadgotten a good look at her earlier. Dylan shot him her best I’m-sorry smile. His glare deepened.

She fought a shiver, then turned to the deputy. “That’s him, isn’t it? That really scary one in the middle?”

“Scary? I’ve never thought of him as scary before. But, yes, that’s Fletcher Tyler. Like I said, he really loves that truck.” They were right there, almost three yards away from the door.

Fletcher Tyler.Tyler. That figured.Hewas probably a common criminal, like her dad said all the Tylers in this town were. And the cop that was marrying his brother soon, well, she was probably dirty, too. Even though she acted nice and stuff. Dylan wasn’tstupid.

Dylan just couldn’t help herself. Whenever she’d ever been really afraid, well, snark was her first defense.“Hey, you! Fletcher Tyler dude. Hey!”

He looked at her. His glower darkened. Blue eyes practically sliced her to pieces.

“I am justsosorry about borrowing your truck, man. But well, I was on a rescue mission. Next time, don’t leave the keys inside, okay. I just can’t seem to help myself. And I probably only dented it alittle.When I slipped off the road. You might want to check and everything! But it drove just fine. Well, once I pushed up the seat as far as it would go anyway…so thanks.”

He almost growled.
