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Yep. Some rancher would scoop her right up, probably pretty quickly. Scoop her up, carry her off, and bed down for the winter, all wrapped aroundher.That would probably be a good thing—keep her out at some ranch,farfrom town, where she couldn’t get herself into trouble. She just looked like she’d be the kind to cause trouble. Fletcher pitied the guy.

Hewas the kind of man who would want peace in his own life. No ups and downs for him. He wanted a calm, reserved kind of woman for himself. Like Dusty’s sister Daisy or her cousin Meyra, for example. Not that he ever would—he’d already been involved with their cousin Charlotte, after all.

Being with a Talley now would be…too awkward. But a woman like them.

A calm one.

Not a tornado with kid-size feet and a snotty attitude.

Finally the last sister was wheeled out. She looked tired. She was a dignified woman, he thought. Calm and steady. Beautiful, attractive. Young, though. She had that same type of grace Dusty and Darcey both had.

She looked at her sleeping sister immediately. “Is Dylan okay?”

Dylan. That was the brat’s name. Fletcher wasn’t going to forget it. He’d get his revenge for the truck later. When she was up to sparing with him more fully. Right now, she looked a bit puny and defenseless. Not much sport in battling with a woman like that.

“She will be. Minor wounds,” Dixie said. “We’re going to get you allhome.With us. We’ll figure everything else out in the morning.”

“Devaney’s been discharged,” Perci said. “Everything is good to go, Dixie. I take it you’ll handle it from here?”

“Exactly. We will be taking care of our family now,” Dixie said.

“Rhea and I will be spending the night at the inn, as well,” Gerald said. “In case she’s needed. We’ll take care of Arthur’s girls now.Allof them.”

“So…how are we going to do this?” Dusty asked. “Should we wake her up?”

“Good luck with that. It will be practically impossible,” the twin in the wheelchair said. “She sleeps like the dead in the best of circumstances. Drugged, she’s probably not going to move until morning.”

“Our house caught fire a few years ago. She was on over-the-counter cold meds at the time, and slept right through the fire alarm. Daddy had to run back in and carry her out over his shoulder,” the teenager said.

Fletcher looked around. Ben had his own arm in a damned sling. He wasn’t going to be much good for what needed to be done. And Gil was still a bit too winded at times now, not fully back to where he was before Morris Preston had shot him. “Hell. It’s going to have to be me to deal with her, isn’t it?”

Sage smirked at him. She was enjoying herself, his future sister-in-law. “It’s either you, or I can ask Shane to do it. She probably wouldn’t mind. She thinks he’ssizzlinghot. And thinks you are a whiny jerk. Just so you know.”

That sealed it for him. Why give her what she would have wanted?

Fletcher stepped up to the monster in the chair, and did what had to be done. He just scooped her right up. It was incredibly easy to do. “Hell, Gerald. I think you might need tofeedthis one double or something. She’s so small, you probably just need to throw her back, honestly. How did she even reach the damned pedals in my truck?”

“Please don’t say those things, you great big jerk,” the mini-Dusty said, shooting him a real glare next. “She’s really sensitive about her size.”

“Well, honey. I’m really sensitive about my truck. I’m still recovering.” He looked at Gerald, as Dixie covered her baby sister with the blanket a bit better. “Lead the way.”

Her sisters just watched him suspiciously. Like he was the monster who had hurt the girl in the first place.

“Don’t worry, ladies. I promise I won’t drop her. I’m a better man than that. I’ll get my revenge later when it’s more of a fair fight. That way she can have something to look forward to.”

Fletcher was going to make sure of it.

He looked down at her again. The cheeks and maybe the mouth were the same as Dusty’s. The shape of the eyes. Butthiswas definitely no Dusty.

Noperfect womanabout this one, that was for sure.

He carried her out to Gil’s truck and loaded her in the backseat. Even clicked the seat belt around her as gently as he could.

The pain in the ass never stirred at all.


Everything was finally winding down.Darcey and Dixie got the girls settled into the rooms right next to the family entrance. They’d suggested the girls stay in the family wing, but the twins had balked at that. Said they’d prefer to share rooms. Stay together. Dusty suspected they were actually more overwhelmed by the idea of havingfamilythan anything. Dylan and the younger girl were in one room. The twins were right across the hall. Dixie had checked on all of their new sisters, and they were going to be fine. They just needed rest for now.
