Page 21 of Patchwork Pixie

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He winced. “I may have been hasty.”

“You fucking think? You took my happy place.”

Mr. Kensington walked toward them and held up his phone. “You mentioned you were down a pixie.”

He showed the coach the video of her practice, and the coach said, “We only have the pink pixie available.”

“She’s not necessary. You could put one of the trolls in that tutu, and the audience would go wild.”

One of the ladies wearing leg warmers and a teeny crown in her headband asked, “How does she know?”

Coach Durrant turned and said, “Ladies, gentlemen, this is Ruby Lest. She wrote the play and choreography.”

A few of the girls looked excited, but the crown wearer said, “If she has been out of it that long, how good can she be?”

The coach smiled. “She was the best. Even better than you, Steffy. She took every local gold that she got near.”

“Yeah, well, now she’s fat.”

Ruby got to her feet. “It’s called puberty. You should try it.”

Mr. Kensington murmured, “Why don’t you show them?”


“You can defend yourself if they try and take you, so I believe this is an excellent spot for a trial.”

Ruby frowned and then nodded. “Sure. Okay, Coach. This is why I had to stay in the city.” She rolled her neck and took on her Elite female appearance. “Oh, that feels better. Like peeling off tight spandex.”

Rayden and Mr. Kensington were staring, as well as one of the other hockey players. Everyone else looked shocked.

Ruby looked down at the coach. “So, you see why I couldn’t really explain why leaving the city as a teen was off the table.”

He nodded slowly. “So, you were this, even then?”

“Since I arrived in town when I was eleven. This is always me.”

“Can you skate like this?”

“Not well. I am a little top-heavy, but I can manage a bit.” She glared at him. “Since I haven’t been able to book private ice time, I haven’t been able to skate as an adult.”

The coach blushed. “I will talk to the arenas.”

“Great. Better late than never.”

“Right, so will you take on the pink pixie role?”

“No. Definitely not.”

The crown wearer said, “She can’t.”

“Coach, set some jumps and transitions the length of the rink, and I will see what I can manage side by side with the little girl.”

The crown paused. “What?”

Coach smiled. “Competition level?”

“Of course.”
