Page 117 of Look But Don't Touch

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“Honey?” Blake’s mother, Katherine, stepped into the room. She looked just as bad as Poppy felt. Red rimmed her eyes, and she held a tissue to her nose. “Why don’t you come with me and get some coffee?” At Poppy’s hesitation, Katherine said, “I’d like to talk to you, and that will give Henry a chance to sit with Blake.” Blake’s father wrapped his arm around his wife’s waist and brought her close to his side.

“Hi, Henry.” Poppy offered him a watery smile. Just seeing them standing together brought back a wave of emotions.

“Hi, sweetie.” The tears in his eyes threatened to spill out, but Henry was a strong man and kept his emotions in check. “Go on and take a little walk with Katherine. I’ll watch over him.” He smiled, and a little bit of the stress in her faded. It was nice seeing the two of them again.

“Yeah, okay.” She grabbed her purse and walked out with Blake’s mom, but she stopped and looked over her shoulder. Henry sat beside his son, the pain on his face clear. Her heart tightened at the sight.

“Come on, dear.” Katherine led the way to the small cafeteria.

After they got a cup of coffee and found a seat, the silence descended. Poppy stared at her mug and ran her finger around the rim. Exhaustion played heavily within her, but even if she had the time to sleep, she wouldn’t have been able to, not with her mind on a constant reel.


She lifted her eyes to Katherine. “Yeah?” She offered Blake’s mother a smile she didn’t feel.

“I just want you to know that I’m happy you and Blake found each other.” She took her hand across the table and held it tight. “I know Jon would have been happy that the two of you found comfort in one another.” Tears fell from Katherine’s eyes, which had Poppy crying as well.

After Poppy told her mother about her relationship with Blake, he told his parents. They had cried, and their concerns had been expressed. Though overall they’d seemed very supportive, Poppy hadn’t really felt their support until right now. Seeing his mother’s emotions and tears cemented Poppy’s relief that, yes, Blake’s family was okay with this. She hadn’t realized until right now how much their approval meant.

“Thank you, Katherine. You have no idea how much that means to hear you say that.”

Katherine patted her hand in a very motherly way. “I’m glad Blake has you. Jon was lucky to have you in his life, and now Blake is.” She sniffed and took her tissue to her nose. “Anyway, have you heard any news about the woman who caused the accident?”

Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

“Maggie wasn’t harmed and is in police custody. I’ve been too concerned about Blake to inquire what is going to happen with her.” She pulled her rat’s nest of hair up into a sloppy ponytail and looked at Katherine. When an officer came by the hospital room, he explained they apprehended Maggie Harris, who had admitted to causing the accident while she stood off to the side and stared at the wreckage.

Apparently, she had been mumbling about her love for a man who didn’t want her, and if she couldn’t have him, no one would. The revelation had come as a shock, but until she knew Blake would be okay, she wouldn’t let that acid eat away at her.

As long as Maggie was in custody and there were no plans on letting her go, Poppy would worry about her later.

When they returned to Blake’s room, it was to see his father hunched over his son’s body, singing a low song. Katherine instantly burst into tears, and all Poppy could do was hold his mother and cry right along with her.

Chapter 20

A week and a half later

Poppy leaned back in the chair, her focus on the muted television and the sound of Blake’s IV pump droning on in the background. It was going on two in the morning, and the infomercial that played on the screen became blurred by Poppy’s lack of sleep.

Katherine and Henry stayed with Blake while she took a quick shower and changed into clothes her mother had brought her. She was so thankful for the support of their families and didn’t know what she would do if they weren’t here.Yeah, you do. You’d be a broken mess on the floor.

Blake slept peacefully beside her. With his hand in hers, she brushed her thumb back and forth along the smooth skin. Her attention faded until all she saw was his fingernails. They were long, strong fingers and were attached to masculine hands. Closing her eyes and resting her head back against the chair, she imagined the future, one where Blake wasn’t lying in a hospital bed.

The slightest pressure on her hand had her snapping her eyes open and sitting up. Had she imagined it? Holding her breath, Poppy didn’t move as she stared at their joined hands. Yes! He clenched his hand again around hers. For so long, all she did was blink back the tears and watch his face, hopeful. The lights were off in the room, but the glow from the nurses’ station through the window in the room illuminated his face.

“Blake?” Voice hoarse from unspoken emotion, Poppy moved closer to him and cupped his cheek in her other hand. No way would she let go of him. The world stopped as she waited for him to open his eyes, and after what felt like forever, he finally did. His eyes looked dark in the shadowed room, but she could still see the intense hazel. “Oh God, Blake.” She could hardly see him through her deliriously happy tears.

For several long moments, he didn’t say anything, just stared at her. The comments made by the doctors, about how he might not remember things, slammed into her brain. What if he didn’t know her? It seemed surreal, but the way he looked at her had her heart plummeting. “Blake? Please, say something.” She caressed his cheek, waiting for his first words in over a week. He closed his eyes, and she heard him swallow.

“Poppy, sweetheart.” Just the feel of his hand tightening its hold on hers had Poppy covering his chest with her body and sobbing into his hospital gown. She should go get the doctors and tell their families he was awake, but for just this small moment in time, she absorbed the fact that he was alive and hoped everything would be okay.

“I love you, Blake. I love you so much.”

“I love you too, sweetheart.” His voice sounded soft and hoarse, but the meaning behind his words was clear. “There is so much I want to tell you, wanted to tell you before all this happened. The whole Maggie thing—”

“Shhh, I don’t want to talk about any of that right now. I don’t care. All I’m worried about is you getting better so we can be together.”

She pressed a gentle kiss on his lips and forced herself to let everyone know that Blake would be okay. The nurses and doctors came in, asked him a series of questions, and performed some tests. Then it was their families’ turn. A few had stayed in the waiting room, but the majority stayed at a local bed and breakfast.
