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She screamed innocence and vulnerability, with her delicate beauty that had made the very male part of me rise up. Never had I felt such an instant attraction, such a bone-deep arousal.

And it was in that very moment that I knew without a shadow of a doubt I had to have her.

She was my student.

I was her professor.

It was against the rules.

But that made no difference to me. I was born to break the rules for her. I’d realized that as soon as I saw her, as soon as she’d sat in my class. Even now I thought about the way she’d crossed her legs, her dress rising up, exposing even more of her alabaster skin, as if she rarely went out in the sun.

Everything from her pink painted toenails to her little pearl earrings screamed she had no knowledge of the world, of its dangers.

She had no knowledge of the filthy things that men wanted to do to women … that I wanted to do to her.

But she’d find out soon enough. Gracie would understand how deep my need for her went, how much I’d already claimed her as mine.

And when she did, that would be the greatest pleasure of all.


Professor Goode

Focusing was damn near impossible when Grace was in my class. Fuck, it was impossible every fucking minute of every fucking day.

She was all I thought about anymore. She was all I wanted. And my need for her had grown into this consuming obsession. It controlled me, made me feel unstable, and I knew the only way to sate this craving, to end this hunger, was to make her mine.

I found myself looking over at her constantly, unable to stop myself even though I knew it wasn’t right. I should keep my distance. It was best for my sanity and would be professional.

“Can you repeat that last part, Professor Goode?”

I cleared my throat and looked at the student who’d asked the question.

I tried to clear my head and focus on my lecture. “So we are able to trace that the CCR5 delta 32 mutation, which hampers the infection rate of HIV, evolved in European populations.” I glanced at Grace as I spoke, seeing a male student seated beside her lean in close and whisper something to her. “Most specifically Northern Europeans.” I felt my eyes narrow, curled my hands into fists at my sides.

Grace looked less than pleased with his close proximity, which pleased me, but the jealousy in me grew exponentially.

“How did the mutation occur?”

I heard the student ask the question, but my attention was on the little asshole who was still leaning in far too close to Grace. He moved his arm next to hers, nearly touching hers. He started to whisper something to her again, and I could see the frustration in her face.

“Mr. Baldwin, if this class is monotonous to you, you’re more than welcome to leave and give up your seat to a student on the wait list.” My words came out clipped, angry. I didn’t even give a shit that he was speaking during my lecture. I was pissed that he was too close to Grace.

My Grace.

“I’m sorry, Professor Goode.”

The student straightened, seeming embarrassed by being called out in front of the class. He should have been glad that’s all I did.

I couldn’t pull my focus off Grace, could see she had an almost embarrassed expression on her face, her teeth worrying at her bottom lip. She looked between me and the asshole sitting next to her, then back at me again.

I had my hands curled into tight fists at my side, was trying to control myself. Even something as simple as another male talking to her infuriated me. I was jealous, so fucking jealous it ate away at me.

I forced myself to turn around, to attempt to appear like I had my shit together, that I was actually supposed to be teaching a class, not lusting after my fucking student.

“I want a thirteen-page paper on a genetic variant in a certain population completed and turned in to me by the end of the month.” There was a shuffling of paper and a murmur of voices, but I didn’t turn around, because if I did, my attention would go right to Grace. “Don’t act surprised by this, it’s on your syllabus.” My voice was hard. I was still annoyed, the jealousy still present.

Class ended and I kept my back to them, putting paperwork in my satchel, my body tense. When I heard the door shut, assuming everyone was gone, I rested my hands on the edge of my desk and braced my weight, hanging my head and closing my eyes. I breathed out slowly.
