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I stared into his face, saw he was controlled, calm, but he couldn’t hide his body’s reaction. His pupils were dilated, his breathing slightly increased. His cock was hard, like a lead pipe between his thighs.

“Take from me, Grace. Use me.” He slid his hands up my back, over my shoulders, and cupped each side of my throat.

He tipped my head to the side and leaned in and kissed me, his mouth, his tongue, everything about him so full of possession and power.

“I’m here for you. I was made for you.”

A moan was ripped from me at his words, and I felt something break open, a dam of emotions, desire, arousal … life in general filling me until I could cry from the overwhelming sensations.

I wasn’t thinking about anything else in this moment. But when I heard his office door open, the sound of a startled gasp come from behind us, my entire body froze.

I looked over my shoulder to see Ashley standing there, a stack of papers in her arms, her eyes wide and her mouth parted in shock.

She wasn’t moving, wasn’t speaking as she stared at us. Here I was, on top of Lucian, his cock hard and pressing between my thighs, no doubt what we were doing hanging between us.

I looked back at him, feeling like this entire experience wasn’t happening. Everything was moving in slow motion.

But he wasn’t focused on her. He stared right at me, no concern or worry on his face. He still had his hands on either side of my throat, smoothing his thumbs along my pulse points.

“Oh my God,” Ashley finally said.

I tore my gaze from Lucian’s and looked at her again. I tried to scramble off him, but he already had his hands on my hips, keeping me right where I was.

I looked at him shocked, startled. Fear filled me. This was bad, very bad. She’d tell the administration. He’d get in trouble, and that had panic spiking in me.

I heard her leave, scrambling out, the door slamming behind her. And still Lucian hadn’t moved, kept me on his lap, his hands on my body. He stared into my eyes, and a small smile formed on his lips.

“Lucian, God. This is not good.” I shook my head and climbed off him, and he let me. My hands were shaking as I smoothed them down my pants. And yet he still sat there, his legs slightly open, his cock pressed against his slacks, tenting the material, showing me how big and thick he was.

I swallowed roughly, this knot of worry lodged in my throat.

“I’m not worried,” he said effortlessly.

“How can you not be worried?” My voice shook, trembled.

He finally stood up, adjusting his dick before coming over to me. The smile was still on his face as he placed his hand on my shoulder and moved it down my arm, taking my hand in his.

“I don’t care that she caught us.”

I felt my eyes widen. “W-what do you mean? If she tells people, you’re going to lose your job.” And still he looked unaffected.

He said nothing as he leaned down and kissed me. It was soft and sweet, reassuring. When he pulled back, I felt that stress leave me at the fact he was so calm.

“Grace, the only thing that matters to me is you. Nothing else is a concern. This job, what people think…” He shook his head. “You’re all I care about.” And then he pulled me in for a hug and I rested my head on his chest, listening to the steady, even beating of his heart.

It was easy to not let it bother me because he didn’t let it affect him, but I loved Lucian, and the fact that this could ruin his life was a very real possibility, no matter what he said.


Professor Goode

Iwatched as my afternoon class left, the feeling of what was coming strong ever since yesterday when Ashley had walked in on Grace and me.

I gathered up my papers and put them in my satchel. When the last student was gone, I sat down and started going over the syllabus. This was pointless if I were being honest. I knew the board would call me in eventually, probably sooner rather than later.

It wasn’t but a moment later when I heard the door open. I glanced up and saw Dean Richards standing there, a manila envelope in his hand, a guarded expression on his face. I knew what this was about. I’d been prepared for this visit.

So I stood, meeting him halfway, neither of us saying anything for long moments. What could be said?
