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Rowley chuckled and shoved half his burger in his mouth. “What the hell kind of name is Charleston anyway?” Rowley had his mouth full, so the words were muffled, but she heard them well enough. Rosie didn’t bother commenting that Rowley’s name wasn’t that “normal” either, or that half the guys they hung out with had nicknames for each other.

Rosie watched as the guy came further into the cafeteria, saw Rebecca sit up straighter and her interest pique, and Rosie had to roll her eyes. That girl was like a damn piranha when it came to the opposite sex.

And then Mr. New Kid gave one glance at Rebecca and kept on moving. She was surprised, and a little impressed. Rebecca was a bitch in every sense of the word, but was gorgeous and had a body that rivaled the ones walking down a runway for Victoria’s Secret.

He came closer to her, and although he wore sunglasses she felt his stare right on her. Shifting on her seat and pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose, she looked down at her tray of food. He made her feel a little uncomfortable, like if she were staring right in the eyes of a savage wolf.

Really? You used that as an analogy?

He stopped in front of their table, and she looked over at him. The guys stopped eating and were looking at him as well, and for a second no one spoke or moved.

“You got room for one more?” Charleston asked, as he looked right at her.

“Uh,” Rosie managed to say, and glanced at Rowley and Max. She didn’t want to make this call given the fact she wasn’t the only one at this table, but she also didn’t want to turn someone away. “I don’t have a problem with it, but it’s not just up to me.”

Rosie smiled. She knew all too well the feeling of being pushed aside by people that wanted to be assholes. She wasn’t like that, and never wanted to make anyone feel like they weren’t welcome.

“Move along.”

The sound of Rebel right behind her had Rosie turning in the plastic seat and staring up at him. He was glaring at the new guy, his big body tense, and the annoyance coming from him as clear as if it was a neon sign flashing on his forehead.

For a second Rebel and the new guy just stood there staring at each other, and then finally Mr. New Guy looked at Rosie, smiled, and turned and left. She was confused as hell as to what was going on, and when Rebel sat down beside her she didn’t bite her tongue.

“What was that about?”

Rebel just shook his head.

“He just wanted to sit down.”

Rebel turned and looked at her. “He rubs me the wrong way, Rosie.”

He had this thing about “going on instinct” when it came to people. Maybe he was right at times, but without any interaction, especially in this instance she kind of got annoyed with him.

“Rubs you the wrong way?”

Rebel nodded and started eating, that wall he always had around him seeming even thicker than before. She may love him, but surely he knew how she’d been treated in the past, with little to no interaction from the assholes that were rude to her.

Hell, she’d said only a few sentences in the entire time she’d known Rebecca, but the bitch was on her constantly.

“But you didn’t even get to know him, or speak to him?”

Rebel sighed and stopped eating to look at her. “Rosie, you know I go off of my gut, and the moment I saw that kid, with his arrogant attitude and smirk he wore, he just rubbed me the wrong way.”

“Really Rebel?”

He lifted a brow after she spoke. “What?”

“It’s true, Rosie,” Rowley said. “That kid had this cocky smirk plastered on his face. He totally thought he was better than all of us.”

All she could do was roll her eyes, stand, and shake her head. “You guys are unbelievable and ridiculous.” Looking at Rebel, she didn’t know what had gotten into him, but she hated this side.

She loved him so much, was so head over heels for him, but he had a lot of issues to work out. If the guy had started shit with Rebel right off the bat she could have understood, but they hadn’t even spoken. Not one word.

She went to leave, because she was annoyed now, having been cast aside from her peers in the past, and feeling pretty shitty because of it. But Rebel reached out and grabbed her hand, stopping her.

“Don’t be pissed at me, Rosie,” he said in a low, deep voice.

She smiled at him, but she knew it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I just need to go. If not I’ll start a fight and I don’t want to do that with you here.” She pulled her hand away and left the cafeteria, wanting to talk to Rebel more, to really break down his wall, but needing some air, too.
