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Once the door was shut behind her she descended, seeing the light still on. Rounding the corner she didn’t see Rebel at first, but then saw his big shadow coming from the bathroom.

Calling out to him and letting him know she was here would have been the right thing to do, but her throat was tight and her mouth dry. She didn’t even know if she could have said anything in that moment for how nervous she was.

And then he came out of the bathroom, turned the light off, and everything in her stilled. She looked at his body, his chest, which was bare, and the towel that was wrapped around his waist. He’d just gotten out of the shower, and damn did he look good in only that terrycloth. He had his head downcast, but after only a second he lifted it, their gazes clashing.

“Rosie?” he said her name softly, but in that deep timbered voice of his. He didn’t move, and neither did she, for her nerves were on high alert right now. “What are you doing down here?” he asked sincerely, not upset that she’d just come into his room.

“I should have let you know I was coming down here,” she managed to say, but she felt like she had no control over herself when it came to Rebel. It’s not like she’d never seen him shirtless before.

They’d gone on plenty of family trips during the summer. But right now, knowing why she was down here and what she planned on saying, made this seem so … intimate.

“You don’t ever have to give me a heads-up. You’re welcome down here anytime.” He smiled and walked over to his dresser, grabbing a pair of sweats. “Give me a minute and I’ll make myself decent.”

When he faced her it was only for a second before he turned from her. Rosie didn’t miss what he sported … massive fucking wood.

Oh. My. God.

He was gone for only a few moments in the bathroom before he came back out, still shirtless, and looking so damn good Rosie felt her cheeks heat, knew she was blushing, and looked away.

“What’s up?” he asked, his voice tight, as if he, too, were uncomfortable. But that didn’t seem right, not when it concerned Rebel. He always seemed so in control, so with it.

She looked at him, but forced herself not to check him out, or to see if she’d just been imagining things and had imagined his erection.

Why would he be hard for me?

“I wanted to talk,” Rosie blurted out. She wasn’t going to walk around this, because just saying what she needed to say and getting the hell out of here before shit really hit the fan, seemed like the best course of action.

“Okay,” he said hesitantly. “You want to sit down?”

She shook her head. No, she needed to be able to leave if he started getting uncomfortable after what she said.

Taking a deep breath, Rosie told herself this was for the best, but there was a little voice in the back of her head that said it wasn’t, that this was a horrible idea.

A moment of silence passed, and she took another deep breath, willing herself to do this, that it wasn’t the end of the world. This needed to be done, or she’d lose her damn mind. Looking him right in the eye, she could see the worry on his face, but at the moment no words came from her.

“Rosie,” Rebel said and moved closer to her. “Are you okay?” His brows were knitted in concern. “Someone fuck with you?”

She saw his nostrils flare as his anger started to rise.

“Was it that fucking new kid?”

She shook her head right away. “No, everything is fine. I’m fine.” She saw him visibly relax, and couldn’t help but smile at the fact Rebel was her protector. He was so good to her, her best friend, and the boy she was about to tell she was in love with.

I can’t keep it in anymore.

“I’m in love with you,” Rosie managed to blurt out, felt herself grow hot from the awkward sensation coursing through her, and didn’t know what else to say.

Rebel didn’t move, didn’t even show emotion aside from the slight widening of his eyes. Seconds ticked by of agonizing silence, but it felt like hours.

“You’re in love with me?” he asked in a stoic voice.

She could only nod.

And then he was right in front of her, his hand cupping the back of her head, and this smile spreading across his face. That’s when Rosie felt this weight lift off her shoulders.

“You’re happy?” Her voice shook as she asked him the question.

Rebel closed his eyes and nodded. “Fuck yeah, baby.” When he opened them again the blueness of his eyes was startling. “Because I wanted to tell you I’m in love with you, too.”
