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“Yeah, and even if I don’t give a shit, I’m sorry I just did that to you.”

“Oh my God,” Rebecca said. “What does she have that I don’t?”

Rebel didn’t bother answering, because he didn’t need to explain a damn thing to this bitch, or anyone for that matter.

Rebecca shook her head, and glanced behind her at the people that now had gathered.

Fuck them all.

“Is that what you’re resorting to now, not only a nerd, but your fucking sister?”

“Stepsister,” Rosie said, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the sarcastic tone in his woman’s voice.

“Just get the fuck out of here,” he said again, his patience gone.

She snorted. “If you want to be with a fat geek like Rosie then you can just go to hell. Both of you and your twisted asses.”

He felt Rosie push past him, and on instinct he wanted to pull her behind him and protect her, but his girl was strong, he knew that.

“You’re a bitch,” Rosie said, and Rebecca’s eyes went wide, maybe surprised Rosie had actually found her strength when it came to Rebecca.

“Excuse me?” Rebecca said in a prickly tone.

“You’re a big bitch. I’m sorry Rebel doesn’t want you, and maybe that’s why you’re so damn needy for his attention, but it’s sad.”

Rebecca narrowed her eyes at Rosie.

“You have such low self-esteem you need to bash other people?”

“Fuck you, Rosie.”

“No, fuck you, Rebecca.”

God, seeing his girl being so tough was such a turn-on.


Rosie had no clue where this strength was coming from, or maybe she was just so sick and tired of the bullshit with Rebecca that she’d snapped.

Either way this felt good, empowering even. She was done being the girl that had been picked on.

She was eighteen years old, may not be considered the prettiest or thinnest, but dammit, she got the guy she loved, and he made her feel beautiful.

At first she’d been embarrassed that Rebecca had seen them kiss, along with whoever was standing behind her. PDA, even if it was with the guy she loved, had her shy.

But she didn’t care anymore. She didn’t care that they’d seen, and in fact felt proud it had happened. She loved Rebel, and fuck anyone that thought it was wrong for them to be together.

Rosie was tired of being cautious and keeping her head down. She felt like this power was controlling her, and she didn’t have to be afraid of anyone or anything.

Being with Rebel wasn’t a dirty little secret, wasn’t something taboo and meant to be looked down upon, and she wasn’t going to hide who she was in love with.

She stared at Rebecca, saw the other girl was glaring at her, the anger coming from her tangible, and Rosie couldn’t help but stand up straighter because of her pride.

Rebecca probably never had thought Rosie would stand up to her. Well this was a new day, and she was feeling pretty damn good.

Rebecca started laughing then. “It’s funny how you suddenly have a backbone with Rebel by your side.”

The people behind Rebecca looked at Rebel and seemed nervous. They had every right to be. Rebel had a reputation not to be fucked with, and this was hitting close to home for both of them.
