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Rebel and Rosie looked at each other.

“Not long,” Rosie was the one to speak.

“It’s not wrong,” Rebel said after her.

Rosie was surprised by the determination in Rebel’s voice.

Rosie’s mother looked over at her husband, and Rose felt the air in the room lighten. It was a strange sensation, but she didn’t feel so worried, didn’t feel like she was walking on the edge.

“We suspected something,” Annabel said and smiled as she looked between Rosie and Rebel.

“Wait, what?” Rosie said, confused as hell.

“We aren’t blind, and we used to be your age.” Her stepfather looked over at Annabel and smiled. “And we know what being in love is like.” He looked at Rebel then. “We just weren’t sure, but we had our suspicions.”

Rosie looked at Rebel.Is this really happening?

“You’re not going to try and tell us this is wrong, that we are family or some gross shit like that?” Rebel asked, his voice a little harder.

“Not counting in the fact you’re both adults and know what you want, you’ve both made it clear throughout the years that you don’t see yourself as family. We may think of you as our children, but if you’re asking if we think it’s disgusting that you’re stepsiblings and together…” Her stepfather shook his head, and her mother did the same.

“No, we don’t think that.”

This was not how she expected things to go.

Rebel gave Rosie’s hand another squeeze.

She looked at Rebel and smiled. “I love him.”

A moment of silence passed between everyone.

“And I love you,” Rebel said.

“And you’re both happy?”

She smiled at her mom. “Yeah.”

“Yeah, I am really happy, Annabel.”

Her heart was beating so fast and hard she wondered if anyone else heard it.

“Well, you two are happy and in love,” Annabel looked at her husband, “so it’s not our place to tell you what’s right or wrong.”

In that moment it felt like this weight had been lifted from Rosie’s shoulders, like the world was right and good, and nothing could touch them.

Maybe it would only last until they left the house and were faced with the judgment of the world, but for right now Rosie would take it.

Knowing they accepted them for how they were and what they wanted was one of the best feelings in the world. Rosie had expected the worst, braced herself for it, but what she’d gotten, what they’d both gotten, was acceptance and love.

It made Rosie feel like not everything in the world, not everyone they would encounter, would try to bring them down.

And right now that’s what she needed, what they both needed.


Two years later

