Page 41 of Revered

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“You’re supposed to know me better than that.”


“Why was she crying?” Reef interjects, trying to get the conversation back on track. “Did you hurt her?”

“Not intentionally. Not physically.”

“Just explain! Whatever you’ve done can’t be worse than what’s going through my head!”

The professor shoots me a withering glare. “Clearly, because apparently you think I’m a rapist now.”

“I don’t.”

“You did.”

“Just explain…please.”

I end up downing my own drink, wincing at the burn. How the hell does the professor drink this stuff like it’s water?

“I’ve been avoiding Malia.”

“No shit,” I mutter, but not quietly enough if the prof’s glare is anything to go by.

“When Malia was at the police station, I kissed her, in front of the officers, and I didn’t give a shit. Until after, when I realised how stupid and dangerous it was, especially with me presenting as her lawyer.”

“Okay,” Reef says slowly, still trying to piece things together.

“So I kept my distance, not wanting to make things worse. When Malia confronted me at the house, I almost kissed her again and I knew that it wasn’t enough to just avoid her around the house. I needed to leave and put physical distance between us.”

“So why did you come back today?” Good question. I nod at Reef.

“Tacos,” he deadpans. “I thought enough time had passed. I’m usually a master of control. I thought I had a handle on it.”

“But you didn’t.”

“The second we were alone it was like my resolve disintegrated, I couldn’t keep my hands off her. There was this magnetic pull, I was powerless to resist. I thought I’d die if I didn’t taste her.” He shakes his head. “It was some of the most powerful magic I’ve ever experienced.”

My eyes flick to Reef, and I know he’s thinking about the same thing I am. Earlier when Malia went to tell the guys about taco night and within a few minutes I found her in a compromising position sandwiched between him and Bhodi. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, it just seemed incredibly out of character for Malia.

Come to think of it, the past couple of weeks none of us have been able to keep our hands off her. I never thought it was magical, just the byproduct of us all finally being on the same page with her.

“Fuck,” I whisper.

The professor nods in agreement. “I know. It’s like she’s a drug and I can’t get enough. But I can’t do this to her. It’s not fair. I’m her teacher and her lawyer, for god’s sake.”

“That’s not real though,” Reef points out.

“It doesn’t matter. To the public, those are our roles.”

“I still don’t understand why Malia was crying though.”

“Because I stopped.”

“And she didn’t want you to?”

He shakes his head. “God knows why, but no. She thinks she likes me. She doesn’t know that it’s just the prophecy drawing us together.”

“I disagree,” I say hotly. “My feelings for Malia are genuine.”
