Page 57 of Revered

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“Yeah just waiting on Malia to grab her things. Do you want to come?” I offer. Bhodi grimaces.

“Nah. Not feeling up to shredding just yet.”

I shake my head. “I know you still can’t surf. I just meant do you want to come to the beach for a bit? You could always bring this mythical book you think you’re reading.”

He flips me the bird. “I might come and watch. I could use a little fresh air.”

“Fair enough. I’ll grab you some extra snacks.”

He nods his thanks to me and goes to the fridge while I start pulling extra snacks from the cupboards. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Bhodi move to the sink, and I stop what I’m doing to watch as he opens a bottle of water, tips it down the sink, rinses out the bottle and refills it with tap water.

I stare at him.

“What?” He shrugs. “You’re not drinking it either.”

“You know about that?”

“I noticed you stopped drinking it and I know that Malia hates it, so I thought I’d see what all the fuss was about.”

“And?” I ask.

“Aside from some weird dreams and headaches, I’ve not noticed anything amiss.”

“Headaches?” I frown. I’ve been having headaches too but I didn’t put that down to the water.

“Can’t say for sure that it’s not a side effect of the attack and having a giant bookcase chucked on top of me, but yeah, they’ve been pretty bad.”

“And your pain meds don’t help?”

“I stopped taking those a couple of days ago.”

“You did? Why?”

“Don’t need ‘em.”

“I’m ready!” Malia beams, entering the kitchen with her board under one arm and a beach bag slung over the other. She’s in a sexy black one piece with tempting side cut-outs and some cut off denim shorts that make her legs look amazing. “Are you joining us, Bho?”

“Just coming to admire the view, little dot,” he tells her with a wink. She giggles.

“Can you fit some drinks and snacks in your bag, Mai-Tai?” I ask, pointing to the small pile on the table. She nods and starts loading up.

When she’s done, the three of us head out the door and towards the ocean. About halfway there Malia pauses.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her when she starts to bite her lip.

“We should have asked Reef if he wanted to join us.”

“Oh, he’s working. He’s not even at the house today.”

“Oh, okay.”

Just like that she releases her lip, smiles at me, and continues walking.

As we reach the water’s edge, I glance around at the other surfers out in the water. There’s a mix of locals here today, the place much busier than usual.

I notice that Malia seems a little edgy; she’s not normally this quiet. Maybe she’s just feeling a little out of place among so many strangers.

“Hey, you okay?” I ask her as we wax up our boards.
