Page 43 of Prettiest Psycho

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He leaves me, and he walks out of my line of view, leaving me stinging and desperate for more.

“No,” I whisper. “Don’t leave me.”

“I’ll be back soon, pet.”

“No!” My arousal is still strong, and my pussy is dripping for him.

It’s like he’s woven a spell over me. I could get up off the table, get dressed, and leave. But somehow Ican’t. Ineedhim to come back and finish what he’s started. It’s too cruel to leave me like this.

I almost weep when he steps back into view.

“I said I’d be back soon. Have a little faith, pet.”

I nod frantically, thinking that if I agree with him it might put me out of my misery sooner. He grins. “I’m going to take this away now.”

He takes the paintbrush out of me, and I gasp at the loss of sensation. Then he strokes my clit with the tip of the brush until my hips buck, and I come. I come hard, and I cry out as my body explodes.

He crouches in front of me, and brings the paintbrush up to his lips, licking my juices off in such a way that it makes my cheeks heat. “That’s better, pet.”

I breathe hard, and I’m still trembling. I’m not sure what he did to me, but I feel like a part of me has broken. I’ve shattered in his hands. He’s taken everything I had and everything I am, and he’s made me into something that I don’t recognise. I’ve never been as vulnerable as I am now, and I’ve never felt so beautiful. It terrifies me.

He takes the time to explore me for a minute, licking my pussy and gently nibbling my clit. I moan loudly, my fingers grasping at the table beneath me. I’m too sensitive. He slips his tongue inside me, tasting me deeply, and I cry out. I’m on the very edge of my orgasm again, and he stops.

“Donnelly, please,” I beg, and my voice is thin.

“Please what, little pet?”

“Please make me come.”

He laughs, “You haven’t earned that yet. The last one was given free.”

I feel shame and anger swirl inside me. “Fuck you, Donnelley,” I growl.

“Now isn’t that an interesting thing to say?”

I glare at him.

He moves so he’s standing in front of me, still fully clothed. I feel like I’ve been stripped bare in front of him, and I’ve never felt so exposed. So seen. He’s still smiling down at me, and I want to punch him.

“You want me to fuck you?” he asks, and his voice is mocking now.

I nod. “Yes.”

“Yes what?”

“Yes please, fuck me,” I spit at him.

“Is that what you want?” he asks. “For me to fuck you?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Yes,” I spit at him. “I want you to fuck me. I just said that!”

“I want to make sure you’re ready, little pet,” he smiles. “I want you to be sure, preferably with an apology for that insult first.”

He knows how to push my buttons. I want him to fuck me, but I’m not ready to forgive him yet. I glare at him. “I won’t.”

He kisses me again, and I taste my arousal on his lips. “I can fuck you for hours, little pet. You may find your resolve wavering.”

