Page 49 of Mafia Bosses

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“Cesare Borelli?” A sweet, feminine voice puzzled me.


“Maggie Owens-Roselli here. Are you and your men all right?”

“Why do you care?” I asked, anger strengthening my voice. “You tried to have us killed tonight, you bitch!”

“I didn’t give the order, if that’s what you mean. Two of my crew are in hospital, Mr. Borelli. The third one is suffering from temporary memory loss and can’t remember what happened. Can you?”

“You’ve got some nerve, honey,” I snapped, yanking the phone away from my ear. “I’m putting you on speaker. So, you want me to tell you what went down?”

“Not really. I saw images from that bar. It’s quite clear there was an explosion. I’d just like to know if it was you who used some sort of explosive device, like a grenade or something.”

Leonardo and Matteo stared at the phone in disbelief. I shook my head in anger trying to make sense of her question.

“Yeah, of course we did. We all have a death wish, so we decided to use some grenades in a crowded bar, to kill some bikers and go out with a bang.”


“No. I’m actually speaking to you from hell. Lucifer sends his regards.”

“Oh, god,” she sighed, the sound of her breath coming through the speaker. “Okay. I guess I got my answer.”

“If you didn’t put the hit out on us, who did?”

“I have no idea, Mr. Borelli. I need some time to get to the bottom of this. In the meantime, please, keep a low profile. I’ll see you soon.”

“See me…?”

I didn’t have time to finish my question because she’d already ended the call.

Matteo and Leonardo were silent.

“I don’t know about you, but I think she sounded pretty upset,” I gave them my opinion.

“Her men are in hospital, Cesare,” Matteo commented. “Of course she’d sound upset.”

“It’s more than that,” I disagreed. “Someone’s out to get them. We just got caught in the middle of it. And what the hell was that ‘see you soon’ thing? What’s she have in mind? A party?”

“I’ll only see those fucks again the day I empty my gun on them,” Leonardo growled. “We can’t let this slip, boys. Wehaveto go after them.”

“I second that,” Matteo assumed a confident tone, his arm resting on his stomach.

What a couple of idiots.


With no awareness of their situation.

Just willing to indulge in their instinct. They wanted payback. I respected that and I wanted it, too, but this wasn’t the time to go out looking for the people who had tried to pump us full of lead.

“I expected that from Leonardo, but you?” I squinted over at Matteo. “You’re supposed to keep it together a lot better than him.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Matteo asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“It means you’re talking out of your fucking ass. Both of you,” I explained. “First of all? Look at you. Look atus.We can’t go after Cesare shit, guys. We’re too banged up to even walk out the door, much less go out looking for three mobsters. Second? You heard that girl. Two of those mobsters are in hospital, and probably have a couple of cops right outside their rooms. What will we do? Shoot those cops, too? I don’t like that Owens-Roselli woman any more than you do, but I’ll take her suggestion.”
