Page 37 of Betrayal and Ruin

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Not a question. A demand.

She was born to be my wife. My life. My rose in a sea of cracked concrete and corrupting power.

“Okay, Declan,” she moans as she comes.

When I give myself over to her body’s demands, I fill her with my cum. I bark out her name as we float through stardust and fields of clover together.

I’ll slip my ring on her finger when we step out of the shower. I was waiting for the right moment and with her free, there could never be a better one. I’ll marry her and make her my queen.

Then we’ll work on making the next generation. I can’t fucking wait.

Roisin’s forehead drops to my shoulder, and she kisses my pounding pulse. Her words are whisper soft, but pack a punch, “I love you, Declan. You will forever have all of me, including my loyalty.”




I’m pretty sure I’ve been floating on a cloud for the last six months. I’m not complaining at all, I know exactly how lucky I am. Things could have gone down very differently, but they didn’t.

I think fate, and a little luck, were on my side with this one. Now, I have a life I could have never imagined and a family I am more than grateful for.

I’ll be the first to admit I wouldn’t have predicted I would find having a crime family at my back and in my heart to be downright wholesome. But it is.

Once I let go and stopped holding onto the expectations of the family I was tied to by blood, I found a freedom I could have never imagined or predicted, even though I yearned for it to the very depths of my soul.

Christmas was amazing and it cemented the feeling of love and family I had found with Declan. Meeting Saoirse when she came home from school was the icing on the cake. After having Finn for a brother, the whole idea of siblings made me feel a little sick, but not with Saoirse.

I finally have the sister I never dreamed I could have. We became fast friends and it’s a damn good thing I was at Declan’s side when she was home. But that’s not my story to tell.

Declan and I got married a month after he asked me in the shower. When we got out, thoroughly dirtied up and then cleaned, he dried me off with such reverence in his touch. Then he slipped a ring on my finger which has no business being on my finger.

It’s fucking huge.

But the look of pride on my man’s face when he saw it on my hand had me swallowing the words to tell him that it was too much. It wasn’t too much for him. It’s taken some time, but I’ve started believing it isn’t too much for me either.

He treats me like a queen. Maybe it’s what I’ve always deserved.

I haven’t heard from my family, and I didn’t get the details of what happened that night. I know my father and brother are alive. That’s enough for me. Everything else is just static anyway.

Being Mrs. Declan McCarthy is not something I ever expected and there are still days I have problems believing it’s my reality. Today is not one of those days.

Today I’m embracing the new life I’m living to the fullest.

I strut into Declan’s office, feeling like I’m on top of the world. It’s a pleasant change since I haven’t been feeling great for the last few weeks. Now I know why, and I can’t wait to tell my husband.

The receptionist at the front desk is new. The one I met the first time I walked in here quit when Declan announced our engagement. What a sad day for her—her hopes of landing the crime boss vanished in thin air and there was nothing her too tight pencil skirt could do about it.

Declan went through a few temps to find the right fit, but I’m pretty sure the woman who left and the one in front of me were cut from the same cloth. She has that mean girl look about her and she has one too many buttons undone on her blouse.

It’s a little shameful and not the smartest move considering that Declan has no problem putting someone in their place and loves the weight of the wedding band on his finger. I’m not the least bit concerned he’ll step out on me. Ever.

His obsession with me runs deep and it is not at all one sided. I’m just as enamored with him. He’s given me gravity when I was floating in life for far too long.

The woman behind the desk arches her eyebrow and her lip curls, “Can I help you?”

I chuckle under my breath and give her a sweet smile, one which hides the knifelike tongue I’m about to use on her. “First, let me give you some advice—don’t sneer at people when they come in. You have no idea who you’re talking to.”
