Page 9 of Betrayal and Ruin

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She skims a hand down her body, “I’m wearing your gift. All of them.”

The memory of the lingerie I made sure was included with her dress has me groaning. The elevator stops, but the doors don’t open. They won’t until I tell them to. Call it a paranoid safety measure if you want to, but right now it works for my purposes.

I get to steal another moment with my woman before sharing her with the vultures who like to circle my world while still pretending that they are above it. They aren’t.

At least I’m honest about what and who I am.

I’ve never pretended to be a good man. I’ve never lied about the violence I’ve had a hand in. I’ve never hidden the blood coating my skin. Instead, I wear it with pride because I earned the spoils of my victories.

“This one is special,” I implore her and open the top of the box to reveal a gold tree of life pendant covered in rubies. The small gasp she lets out is music to my ears. I thought about a heart pendant, but this Celtic symbol has a deeper meaning, and it seems to fit my woman. “Can I put it on you?”

“Declan,” my name comes from her lips on a woosh of air as she tears her eyes away from the necklace to look up at me, “it’s too much. I can’t accept it and,” she makes a motion with her hand to encompass her clothing, “all this.”

“You can and you will. You’ll be the most beautiful woman in the room with or without the necklace and I’m the lucky bastard who has you on his arm.”

She licks her lips and nods hesitantly. When she turns and gives me her back while picking her dark hair up and away from her neck, I barely stop myself from sinking my teeth into her soft skin. So much of Roisin is delicate and fragile. I want to protect her, but I also want to mark her up and show the world she’s mine.

My movements are precise as I take the necklace out, letting the box fall to the ground since it’s no longer needed, and clasp the jewelry around her neck. My eyes go to it immediately when she lets her hair fall and turns toward me.

It sits perfectly between her collarbones, displayed for everyone to see. I’ve never been jealous of jewelry before, but I am right now. I lean forward and kiss right below where the pendant rests and a soft, sultry moan escapes my woman’s lips.

The way she blushes and looks away has me even more curious about the woman in front of me. I want to know everything about her, all her secrets and all her dreams.

Earlier when I was getting ready to pick Roisin up and Conor was heading to Emerald, I could tell he wanted to say something to me. He was pacing and opening his mouth only to snap it closed again. It was amusing and maddening at the same time.

I growled, “Spit it out, Conor.”

“We’ve been best friends for a long time,” he stated, reminding me of his loyalty before pissing me off. It had my hackles rising as I gave him a sharp nod. “I’ve never seen you twisted up over a woman before.”

“Roisin is different. There’s,” I paused, trying to put into words the way simply thinking about her sent my gut swirling while heat fills my veins, but I knew my words would be inadequate, “something about her.”

“You don’t know anything about the woman,” he hedged gently.

My fists clenched and I fought my instincts. Because they wanted me to beat my friend and right-hand man until he couldn’t question me about her anymore.

“I don’t give a fuck whether I know her or not. She’s mine,” I snarled.

Conor blinked at me with wide eyes, and I couldn’t blame him for his reaction. It had me considering just what Roisin was doing to me and the niggling feeling that something’s wrong and not adding up. That she’s hiding something.

I sighed and let my shoulders drop. “I know she would have had a background check to work at The Irish Rose but do a more thorough one.”

His nod was the only confirmation I needed that it would be done. He wasn’t wrong, but it still leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Maybe she’ll let me in on her secrets herself and I’ll never have to find out what Conor digs up.

Her rose scent fills my lungs and I let the memory of my conversation with Conor fall away. I have her in front of me and she deserves my full attention.

“Come,mo rós beag.” After hitting the code to open the elevator doors, I take her elbow and lead her down the hallway. “Have you ever been to a fight before?”

The sounds coming from the ring are already echoing around us, calling to the bloodlust sizzling in my veins. I don’t hold the fights just for those who participate, but for myself as well. I’ve even gotten into the ring when I needed to take out my frustrations on someone.

“No,” Roisin’s voice is a wary tremble and I wrap an arm around her waist.

I lead her directly over to an area roped off from the rest of the crowd where a few plush seats are waiting for us along with a bottle of Hammond Whiskey, a chilled bottle of champagne, and a charcuterie board.

When Roisin’s eyes take it in, a smile tugs at the corners of her lips. I lead her to a seat, pour her a glass of champagne, and offer her something to eat. Surprise flares in her eyes and gives me a smug sense of satisfaction no one else has given me before.

“Surprised I’m serving you?” I smirk at her and watch as heat fills her gaze.

“Very,” Roisin leans into me to whisper the word in my ear. It does nothing to quell the desire burning in my veins for her, especially as her subtle rose scent wraps around me.
