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“It’s a nice view,” Anthony said.

Chris nodded.

The elevator doors opened, and they stepped out into a long hallway. The dim red lights must have meant to spark a sense of seduction, but they reminded Anthony of blood. Classical music played in the background and got stronger the farther they walked. A tall man with a stoic expression waited at the end of the hallway, blocking the entrance.

“Maybe I should’ve worn a suit,” Anthony said, fingering the collar of his polo shirt.

“Mickey said you can wear whatever.”

“Your names, gentlemen.” The man gave them a quick once-over, frowning at the unfamiliar faces.

“Chris and Anthony. Here for Mickey.”

“There you are!” Mickey appeared like he had been summoned. “I already provided their personal information.”

“Thank you, Mr. Wilson. Gentlemen, step right in.”

They walked into a stylish lobby, the golden lights from the chandeliers a strong contrast to the red lights earlier. Impressive sculptures of naked men stood on every corner, their bodies twisting in ways that didn’t seem possible.

“Through here,” Mickey said and opened a side door. They entered a small dressing room, where different items of satin and leather clothing hung from a couple of racks. Mickey leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. “Anthony, lovely to see you again. Please remove your clothes. Chris, pick a collar for him from the shelf over there.”

“A collar?”

“It’s protocol. Anthony. Clothes. Chop-chop.”

Anthony blinked and refocused himself. He began removing his clothes, telling himself that being naked in front of strangers wouldn’t be much different than being naked with Chris, although, of course it would.

“Are you aware that you mumble while you think?” Mickey asked Anthony. “It’s rather odd.”

“He does that sometimes,” Chris said while picking out a collar, “but only when he’s nervous.”

“I do that?”

Chris smiled at him. “Rarely, and it’s cute.”

“Thoughts should stay in one’s head,” Mickey explained. “Otherwise, they’re no longer thoughts. Now, let me see.” He took a step toward Anthony. Despite the height difference, Anthony shrank under Mickey’s piercing stare. This ruthless man had almost destroyed Anthony’s business, and he would likely finish the job if he didn’t get what he wanted. Anthony felt sick standing in the same room with him, his self-control running dangerously thin.

“You are a wonderful specimen,” Mickey said. “I will, however, need to trim your pubes. Come here.” He followed Mickey to the side of the room, where a shaver waited on a chair. Mickey picked it up and sat down in front of Anthony. He turned on the device and started trimming.

Anthony looked away, his cheeks warm. He stopped breathing when Mickey moved to work on his balls. Luckily, it ended in less than a minute without a medical emergency. Anthony looked down at his well-groomed pubes. He had once asked Chris if he should trim down there, and got an answer of, “You’re perfect, don’t change anything.”

Mickey touched Anthony’s balls and bounced them on his palm without asking for permission. “Feels like there are tennis balls in there. Expect them to be groped frequently.”

Chris walked over, holding a black leather collar with small, silver spikes. He held the collar for Mickey to see.

“Nice, if somewhat predictable. See if it fits him. You want it to be snug but with enough room for fingers to slip inside and grab hold.”

With Mickey still touching and tugging Anthony’s balls, Chris put the collar around his neck and fastened it. The leather wasn’t unpleasant.

“What else is he going to wear?” Chris placed his hand on Anthony’s back, rubbing gently.

Mickey let go of Anthony’s balls. “You may choose underwear for him, but most of the toys will be naked.”

“What about the clothes that are hanging over there?”

“Those are sleazy women’s clothes.”

Chris looked startled. “Are there women here?”
