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Those were the last names Chris wanted to hear. “The managers of The Gentlemen’s Club?”

“No, thebaristasat the Starbucks downstairs.Yes, the managers of the club. Those two were never my biggest fans—shocking, I know—but we tolerated one another due to our love for the club. What happened between Tobias and Anthony clearly didn’t make Tobias like me more.”

“Yeah,youwere the victim.”

“I didn’t say that. However, it is time you know why I insisted that you bring Anthony to The Gentlemen’s Club in the first place. You see, I was convinced that Tobias would fall for Anthony.”

“How could you possibly know that?”

“I watched Tobias for years, noticing whenever someone managed to catch his eye. I pieced together what I believed was Tobias’s type—and his potential weakness. As we both know, my instincts were right on the money. From the second Tobias saw Anthony, I knew I’d hit the jackpot.”

“I don’t see what you had to gain from that.”

“That only shows how much you still have to learn. Since I was right about Tobias and Anthony hitting it off, I was hoping to win some popularity points.”

“Anthony came withme.”

Mickey rolled his eyes. “I was the one who invited you and your toy to the club, wasn’t I? Those things matter, and I expected to gain some leverage with Tobias.”

“Which would help you how?”

“I take my campaign for mayor very seriously. Being in the spotlight is bound to make my rivals seek dirt from my personal life. The Gentlemen’s Club, as exclusive as it is, isnotthe sort of establishment a public figure would want to be associated with. There’s also the risk of bringing unwanted attention to the club and its unique ways. I have spoken with Tobias and Oscar about my political ambition in the past, and they were… not supportive. Well, Oscar couldn’t care less, but Tobias was vocal enough for the both of them. He even threatened me! Said he’d use his influence to sabotage my campaign. Fucking bastard!” Mickey took a breath to calm himself down. It wasn’t like him to be upset about anything, which only made Chris more worried about where this story was heading.

“You thought that Tobias would get out of your way because of Anthony?” Chris asked.

Mickey shrugged. “I know it sounds far-fetched, but it was worth a shot. However, I am no longer under the notion that those two would ever be an item again.”

Thank God for that.

“But I still need to level the field—now more than ever.” He leaned forward, eyes intense. “I must get something against Tobias to make sure he won’t sabotage my campaign. For that, I need to find out what’s going on behind closed doors. There are dirty dealings taking place in that club, and once I know more, I could use it against Tobias if push comes to shove.”

Chris had heard enough of that nonsense. If Mickey wanted to play politics, that was on him to solve. “I’m not letting Anthony step foot in that club to spy for you.”

“You’re misunderstanding. I don’t want Anthony anywhere near the club.”


“I want him in Tobias’s house.”

“Hell no!”

Mickey raised his hand. “Calm down.”

“You can’t bethatdelusional.”

“Let me finish, or I will shove my sock into your pie hole again.”

Chris rubbed his face but held his tongue.

“Tobias lives in Fire Island, and that is where he handles most of his business activities. Very few people get invited to that house, and I’m definitely not one of them. Anthony and you, however, have a much better chance of getting an invitation. When you’re there, you’ll plant a piece of recording equipment in Tobias’s office, which will grant me the pleasure of being a fly on the wall. Once that’s done, there’s no need for Anthony to ever see Tobias again.” He clapped his hands. “Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it?”

Mickey had been describing the script of a movie, and Chris had no intention of turning into an actor in that box-office disaster. He looked Mickey in the eyes, once again surprised by how vile the man could be. “I’m not going to hide recording equipment in a house on Fire Island. I’m also not letting Anthony have any contact with Tobias.”

Mickey sighed and leaned back, his palms touching each other underneath his chin. “There are two things you’re not taking into account. First, I have photos of you being offered to the highest bidder. True, you were wearing a mask, but your wife will surely recognize your body, especially with that very distinctive scar on your thigh. Now, assuming you’re willing to take that risk, there’s still the matter of your pimp and his probation.”

Chris leaned closer, his heart getting louder in his ears. “What are you talking about?”

“Jay is still under probation, isn’t he?Youtold me that. I checked around, and what do you know, I’m friends with his parole officer. Well, he’s more of an acquaintance, but I can still call him up to report the man who’s working as a pimp during his probation. As future mayor, is it not my duty? Jay’s ass will be back in prison in no time.”
