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They got out and walked down the familiar red-lighted hallway, Chris’s anxiety having a party in his guts. At least it was early, so he may be done before he could run into familiar faces. Once inside the club, Mickey led him toward the dressing room area instead of the main floor.

“Why there?”

“We need to talk.”

When they entered one of the dressing rooms, Chris looked around, remembering the first time he’d been here with Anthony, a lifetime ago.

Mickey texted on his phone, then slipped it into his pocket and went to sit on one of the chairs. Chris sat in front of him. “What is it?”

Mickey crossed his arms. “I have been thinking of our chances of success in getting those invitations. Even a solid plan could use some... tweaking at the moment of truth. It may very well be the difference between winning and losing.”

“Are we getting somewhere with this?”

“I am not in the habit of speaking for the sake of speaking, so yes, wearegetting somewhere with this.” His phone buzzed. He pulled it out and texted back. “Where was I? Oh, yes, I believe that our best shot at getting those invitations is through Oscar.”

“You mentioned it before. You think he’ll help us?”

“I do, for the right incentive.”

Chris sighed. “Fine, I’ll flirt with him if you think it’ll help, but—”

A knock on the door. Mickey stood up. “Just in time. Come in!”

The door opened and Chris almost fell from his chair. “What the hell’s going on?”

“Calm down. I will explain.”

Chris ignored him and turned to Jay. “Were you two scheming behind my back?”

Jay closed the door behind him. “He called me earlier and told me to come here.”

Chris sharply turned to Mickey. “Explain.”

“In a minute. Jay, grab a chair and join us.”

Jay hesitantly took off his leather jacket and hung it before taking a chair to sit next to Chris.

Mickey cleared his throat. “As I was just saying, we will need to bring Oscar on our side to help convince Tobias to invite you to his house.”

“Oscar is the other one who manages the club?” Jay asked.

“Correct. He has somewhat of a crush on our friend here, and adding Chris to the menu alongside Anthony will give both Oscar and Tobias reasons to invite you all to Fire Island.”

Something raw and nasty crawled around in Chris’s stomach.I should have seen it coming.“You want me to be a toy.”

“I don’twantto, but this is the ace we have up our sleeve. And to make you believable as a toy, you must have an owner. It makes sense for this owner to also own Anthony, which will give him the right to negotiate on behalf of both of you.” He looked at Jay. “This is where you come in.”

Jay crossed his arms. “Walk me through this.”

“You are the owner of several men, including Chris and Anthony. How you’ve come to possess them is irrelevant at the moment. The important thing is that you rent those men for money, and you’ve come here to discuss the possibility of renting them to the club. To seal such an important deal, you’ll be open to having a friendly meeting somewhere private.”

“At Fire Island?”

“Correct, in Tobias’s home.”

“Do they usually pay for their toys?”

“Huh, good point. They do not.”
