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“Oh, wow. With DHL?”

“What? No, not with DHL.” He laughed. “Jesus, Ant.”


“With tech companies, for product management positions. The industry is still shaky, but it’s going well so far. I mean, better than how I thought it would.”

“That’s fantastic. You can add me as a reference.”

“What will you tell them, that I’m great at sucking your nipples?”

“Well, I wasn’t going tostartwith that…”

Ethan laughed and held him tighter. “Now, for the second thing. You’re coming over to my place Saturday night, correct?”


“You will be naked in my bed, correct?”

Anthony’s face warmed. “Correct.”

“We will have sex, correct?”


“Would you like to fuck me?”

“Corr—” He stopped moving, seeing the seriousness in Ethan’s eyes. “Do you really want me to be the top?”

“I do.”

Blood rushed to Anthony’s crotch just from thinking of the possibility. He had been more than happy bottoming for Ethan, secretly hoping they might one day switch.

Anthony collected himself. “Wow. Okay, yeah, for sure. I mean, you don’t have to on my account.”

“This is onmyaccount, and I’ve been practicing.”

Anthony’s heart dropped. “With whom?”

“With dildos.”

“Oh, right. Sorry.”

Ethan watched him closely. “You know I’m not sleeping with anyone else, right?”

Anthony did know that, but not enough to put away his insecurities. Like it or not, what was happening between them was too good for Anthony not to have doubts. He wished he could turn into a more laid-back version of himself, but it was likely never going to happen.

“I know you’re not sleeping around,” Anthony said. “We just never really talked about what we are. I mean, if we’re boyfriends or not.”

Oh crap. Did I just drop the B word?

Ethan looked taken aback, which hadn’t been Anthony’s intention. Before he could try to fix the damage, a loud knock on the door cut him off.

Anthony hurried to open the door and blinked in surprise. “Jay?”

“I sure ain’t Santa Claus.” He had cut his hair, and although it still reached his shoulders, it looked better than it had in years. His beard had also been styled, and his usual black clothes were now clean blue jeans and a simple white shirt without wrinkles.

“You’re going to keep staring at me or what?”
