Page 101 of The Sound Of Forever

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“What’s going on? Are you okay?”

Pippa stares at me for a second before a smile lights up her face. “Of course, I’m fine. You know me.”

“I do know you, and you’re not fine. Sit down. Talk to me.”

I sit down, but Pippa stays standing. “You don’t have time for this. Come on.”

“Sit! I know I’ve been stuck in the middle of my own problems lately—or I guess for years if I’m being honest—but I’m still here for you.”

“I’m freaking out,” she says, dropping into the seat next to me. “I don’t know what I’m doing with Ryan. I’m not good at relationships. I’m selfish. I don’t think sometimes. It won’t be long before he figures that out and leaves.”

Oh God. “Has something happened?”

“No, not yet. I’m waiting.”

My heart aches. This is Pippa. When things get too serious, or hard, she runs, and no one has ever stopped her. No one has even been on her side. It started back with Jonah. She thinks no one knows, but I know. I saw it. She broke up with him to protect her heart. She could see he had feelings for Ashley. And like she’s saying now, it was only a matter of time.

That’s why I can’t stand him. He’s been bad news since he first came into our lives.

But Ryan’s different. At least I hope he is. He just needs to prove it.

“Have you told Ryan how you feel?”

“I’ve done that with past relationships. It never works.”


“Nope, I’m just being silly. I guess I’m not as strong as you. I’ll be fine.” She jumps up again, but I grab her wrist to still her.

“I’m not strong, Pippa. I’m terrified. Every single day. But Jesse knows that, and he’s helping me. You need to talk to Ryan. Please.”

“Maybe. Come on.”

She pulls me along without another word, and when we meet up with the guys, she hugs Ryan like she’s just as fine as she says she is, only it’s obvious something’s off. And from the look on Ryan’s face, even he notices.

But as Jesse pulls me into his arms, I let it go. I’ve got too much on my mind right now. And it's time I focused on me.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


Willow’swaitingformeafter the game, and it shocks me how much it hits me in the gut. Game after game, I’ve seen the wives, girlfriends, and kids waiting for their men, and I’ve never wanted it for myself. There’s been no longing, no jealousy. I was happy with my solitary life. But as Willow stands hesitantly, her arms clasped in front of her, unsure of how to act in this very new situation, it hits me.

I want this.

I want someone to come home to, someone to care for, someone to love. I want a family. My first family. And I don’t mean I suddenly want two point five kids and a golden retriever. I want Willow as my family. But God, that's fast moving.

I need to slow down before I scare her away.

I’ve been thinking about her since I was fourteen, but to her, it’s only been months. I need to take my time.

“If it isn’t my good luck charm,” I say when I reach her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

She lifts to her toes, before palming my chest as she leans back to look in my eyes. “And how did you come to that conclusion? You’ve won plenty of games without me.”

“Yes, but I scored three times.”

Her nose scrunches as she tries to remember the third goal. “The third one’s tonight,” I say like a corny motherfucker, making her laugh.
