Page 108 of The Sound Of Forever

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“Some?” I giggle. “I bet there are many.”

We move on, and I somehow manage not to think about Alex or Tate for the rest of our afternoon, and as we get closer to nightfall, I’m surprised to find we’ve made our way back to Rockefeller Center, just in time to watch the sunset.

“Okay, you’re forgiven for cheating, though I would have liked to walk the bridge,” I say on the way up to the top, excitement building inside me.

Jesse chuckles. “Guess we’ll have to come back then.”

I smile so wide I’m sure I look funny, but that idea absolutely thrills me.

“Maybe.” I shrug, playing it down, just as the elevator stops.

“Maybe?” Jesse laughs, shaking his head. “Lucky for us, this isn’t our last stop. We’ve got the High Line and then one more surprise for tonight. Are you ready?” He waves his hand toward the pinkish sky and bounces his eyebrows.

Linking my arm through his, I step out with a smile. “Lead the way.”

Chapter Forty-One


ThelookonWillow’sface as she watches the sunset is truly breathtaking. I can’t even tell you what the view looks like, because it’s been impossible to take my eyes off her.For more than just her beauty.

Fuck, I freaked out today.The rational part of my brain knew she wouldn’t have been attacked in broad daylight, and even if she had been, she wouldn’t be standing there alone. Someone would be comforting her.

But when I saw her scared expression and the bruise on her arm, all rational thought left me.

Every time I see her in some kind of pain, my mind flashes back to that mountain, to the way I felt as I raced her to safety. To my tight chest as I sat by the road, praying for someone to help her. To the panic that consumed me in the days following, waiting to hear if she’d awakened. I will never get the image of her head crashing against that rock out of my mind. And apparently, it’s making me crazy.

If I thought I’d ever move on, I was dead wrong. I’ve learned that lesson many times. But I’m prepared to live with it forever, knowing she’s safe.

“This is perfect, Jesse,” Willow says softly, reaching for my hand. “Thank you. I remember why I love sunsets so much.”

“When was the last time you watched the sun rise?” I ask, a little nervously. I’m not sure I want to know the answer, especially when Willow scrunches her nose.

“Since you were in town?” she whispers, breaking my heart.

She used to watch them almost every day. It kept her going and brightened her life. What keeps her going now? It’s definitely not me; I barely see her.

“I just haven’t had the time,” she lies. “But I’ll get back there.”

A feeling of guilt rushes through me, but I push it away. She will get back there. I’ll make sure of it. I’m certain it’s because she hasn’t been sleeping well.

“What’s next?” she asks suddenly, changing the subject with a new energy.

“Next stop is close to our hotel, but we have one little detour before then.”

After waving down a cab, we drive via the High Line and stop to let Willow step foot on it before racing off. She’s right, I am playing dirty—I’m competitive. I can’t help it. And I want her to see it all.

“Now it’s time for Broadway,” I say after the cab drops us off close to our destination, grabbing Willow’s hand as we walk in the direction of the theater. The only thing I actually booked.

“We’re seeing a show?” Willow gasps, her eyes widening as she once again takes in the magic of our surroundings.

“We are. And not just any show.The Lion King. I did some research, and apparently, it’s one of your favorite movies.”

Willow laughs. “You did some research?”

“Of course.” I wink.

“Does this mean you and Pippa are on better terms?”
