Page 111 of The Sound Of Forever

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We head to a local diner that the team frequents and sit down in a quiet booth, away from prying eyes.

As soon as we’ve ordered, I get straight down to business. I’m not good with these things, but I know how to get to the point.

“Is everything okay with Pippa?” I ask, making Ryan gape.

He eyes me suspiciously before he nods. “Yep. We’re great.”

“Are you really?” I push, holding my stare.

His shoulders drop under my scrutiny and he sighs. “I have no idea. One day things are going well and the next she seems like she has one foot out the door.”

“That’s because she does.”


Shit. I probably shouldn’t have worded it that way.

“How do I put this? You haven’t done anything wrong. And I shouldn’t be telling you this, but as a friend I want to help.”

“We’re friends?”

“Sure.”Jesus, I’m an asshole.“Yes, we’re friends. And we’re likely to be seeing more of each other since we’re dating sisters.”

“If it lasts.”

“Ryan, Pippa’s scared. She’s never had a lot of people in her corner. She even lost Willow for a while after her accident. She doesn’t know how to deal with the fear of losing someone else. You.”


“Yes, really.”Fuck. “You need to fight for her. Show her you’re not going anywhere. Make her see that you’re in it for the long haul and that you’ll always be there for her.” I stop short of telling him she has good reason to be scared since he messed things up last time, but I’m sure he knows. Instead I put it in a language he understands. “Convince her that you’re ateam.”

Ryan’s jaw drops and I get it. I have no idea where all that came from either, but I know it’s what she needs. “Got it?” I ask.

“Yes.” He nods. “Thank you. I’m new to this relationship stuff, and I just assumed she was getting over me. I’ve tried to leave her be, but I guess that was the wrong thing to do.”

“Relationships are hard, but you’ve got this. Just make sure she knows how you feel.” I am no expect, but I've heard that said many times before.

“Yeah. I will. Thanks, man.”

“You’re welcome.”

We talk about hockey for the remainder of our meal, and don’t mention Pippa again. Yet, I have this feeling he’s going to step up and be the guy that she needs. She may not have been through what Willow has, but she’s been through enough, and she deserves her own piece of happiness.

When I get home, I stare at my empty apartment, my empty walls, my empty life. And for the first time ever, I contemplate retirement. I’ve had a great career. I’ve received two personal trophies for my own achievement, and I’ve come close to winning the cup.

I thought I had it all. I didn’t know what I was really missing. And now that I do, it’s hard to stay away from her.

Dropping to the couch, I call Seth, needing his always annoying, but always helpful, advice.

“Jesse. How was New York?” he says with a smile in his voice.

“It was perfect,” I say quietly. “I could have stayed there forever.”

“Ah fuck. Is this call what I think it is?”

I expel a slow, deep breath with a laugh. “How do you always know?”

“Know what?”
