Page 120 of The Sound Of Forever

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When we’re settled in my rental—Tate in the front, Willow and me in the back—she snuggles into me, trying to keep the pressure off the back of her head.

“Alex knew you were there when Jade died,” she says softly, but it comes out as more of a question than a statement. “Because you found me on that mountain.” She suddenly sits up, her eyes flashing around the car as though she’s panicked. “But how did he know that? Was it me? Or was he there?” Her breathing shallows and she struggles to take in air.

“Willow, it—”

“I don’t remember seeing him,” she continues breathlessly, working hard to suck in a breath. “God, maybe he overheard me telling Sara. I thought it was Tate threatening me but it wasn’t. It was Alex. I didn’t know at first. I should have listened. I did this.”


“Oh God, I could have put Sara in danger by telling her the truth. He could have gone after her if he knew. And Jade. What did he do to Jade? How come I didn’t know?”

Tears flow as she breaks down in front of me, and it takes all of my power to keep my shit together.

Ripping off my seatbelt, I turn to face her, grabbing her face in my hands, careful not to touch her still open wound. “Block it all out, Willow,” I rasp, but then clear my throat to strengthen my voice. “It’s all white noise. None of it matters right now. Just focus on me. On the sound of my voice.”

Willow nods but continues hyperventilating, her body shaking uncontrollably.

“You could have died; Tate could have died. Jadediddie. I did this. I did all of this. She didn’t trust me and I didn’t trust you. If I’d told you someone was threatening me… I can’t, Jesse. I can’t.”

“Listen to my voice,” I repeat, staring into her eyes until she finally focuses. “I love you. We will get through this,” I say slowly, making sure she hears every word. “I’m here for you, however you need me.”

She nods again, but I’m still not sure she’s understanding. “Willow?”

She’s quiet for a beat before taking a deep breath, slowing her breathing. She takes a few more long slow breaths before she nods again. “I’m listening,” she whispers.

“Good. What do you hear?” I’m hoping she repeats at least one thing that I said, but she shocks me by reaching out and squeezing my arm, pulling me closer.

“My forever,” she says, resting her forehead on mine. “I hearyou.”

Fuck. I bite back the tears, as emotion clogs my throat.We’re going to be okay. We have to be.

Because she’s the only one for me.

“Let me take the blame,” Willow whispers when the hospital comes into view a little while later and I almost laugh at the absurdity.

I connect our hands and pull her into me, pressing a kiss to her brow. “That’s never going to happen, Buttercup. You are not to blame. None of this is your fault, and I won’t let you think otherwise.”

“Then whose fault is it?”

“Mine,” Tate begins but I cut him off with a groan.

“Alex. The only one to blame here is Alex. It’s been his fault from the beginning. He hurt Jade, he tried to hurt you,” I say, looking at Willow, “and he shot Tate. He deserved what happened.” I notice Tate’s eyes on me in the rearview mirror and give him a pointed look. “As foryou. Telling him about Willow didn’t cause this. He didn’t have to go after her.”

“But I trusted him.”

“No, you didn’t,” Willow chips in. “The day he came to see me when I was closing up, I saw you. You were staring through the window. Watching. I only just remembered that. God, why didn’t I remember that? You never fully trusted him. Why didn’t I trustyou?”

“Why would you? I never gave you a reason to.” Tate shrugs as I pull Willow closer. My little warrior. She’s been through more than anyone should have to endure, but from here on out, I’m going to work hard to give her an easy life. To give her anything she dreams of.

“What do we do now?” she asks, her eyes on the road behind us, as if she can see the mountains.

“I’m making sure you’re both okay, and then I’m calling the police,” I say, my mind made up.

“What?” Willow gasps in shock, as Tate yells, “Like hell you are.”

Tate pulls into the hospital emergency bay as if I’m going to let him just drop us both off, and then turns around to face us, but I don’t let him speak.

“Don’t worry. I’m not about to get myself thrown in jail. Everyone will know what happened up there. They’ll just know our abridged version.”
