Page 124 of The Sound Of Forever

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Wow. I sit gobsmacked as a range of emotions overwhelm me.

Jesse has always loved me.It’s one thing to hear it from him, butwow.

“He’s a good man,” I finally say. “Which is why I wanted to protect him. It’s why I never told him about your texts…Alex’s texts.”

“I know, and I wish I’d realized that because it’s the exact reasonIdidn’t involve him or return his calls. I’m sorry I never saw how much you cared about him, and that I assumed the worst. After all these years, I didn’t want the truth to suddenly come out…if Jesse got too close to you. I couldn’t handle the fallout, and I was certain you’d tell someone if you ever figured it out.”

The police—he assumed I’d tell the police.

“I wouldn’t. I won’t.”

“I know that now, and I’m sorry.”

A throat clears behind us, and Jesse enters the room holding a coffee and a box of chocolates. “Okay if I interrupt?”

“Yes.” Tate jumps up. “I was just leaving. It’s good to see you’re okay, Willow. And I’m sorry again.”

“Thank you.” I smile. “I hope you feel better too.”

Jesse nods to Tate as he walks away, an almost silent transaction taking place. “Everything okay?” he asks when Tate’s gone.

“Everything’s good. But I think Tate needs a friend. Not just any friend. I think he needs you.”

After giving my statement to the police, telling them about Alex’s threats—or versions of them—and what happened on the mountain, we were all cleared to leave. Our corroborating stories left no doubt that the fall occurred in a moment of self-defense.

Even Jade’s parents made a statement, strengthening our case.

In the weeks following the accident, Jesse worked tirelessly to make sure I didn’t fall back into a dark place. And when he was on the ice, he had Sara or Pippa scheduled to look after me. Even Tate called every now and then, just to check in.

I’m happy to say, Tate and Jesse started talking again, and even caught up when Jesse played in Seattle. Tate may have taken a different path than Jesse, but in the end, they were both just doing what they could to survive, and no one can fault them for that. Especially me, not now that I know everything.

I still have days when I wish I had my memories back, but those days are becoming fewer and farther between. If anything, I’d just like to know what I felt about Jesse back then. If his version of events stack up against mine. He says we flirted and kissed—he even showed me what it was like—but was that a young boy’s imagination or was he really my first?

My first and last as he continually tells me.

Lying here in his arms now, I’ve never felt so content. So safe. And I never want to let go. As he gently runs his fingers through my hair, I think about our life, and the complicated nature of it, and pray that I never have to.

When we officially went public after the Alex threat was gone, a lot of people told me it wouldn’t work, Ashley and Mom being the loudest. How could I possibly have a relationship with someone from another state, someone who barely has time for sleep, while I’m here running a business?

To my surprise, Dad finally stood up for me, telling Mom that she’d already pushed one daughter away, and that if she kept going, she’d lose another. I didn’t think she’d care with a grandchild on the way, but apparently it was enough, because she’s since supported our relationship, despite the fact that she doesn’t quite trust Jesse. No matter how many times we tell her Pippa and Jesse were never together, she doesn’t get it.

And I’m done explaining it. I’m done thinking about everyone else’s views and opinions. Today, my focus is on Jade.

“Are you sure I can’t stay?” Jesse asks as I jump up and pace the floor, his eyes following my every move, his expression full of concern.

“I’m sure,” I say without stopping. “I need to talk to them alone. I don’t want to accidentally mention that you were there.”

Jade’s parents are coming to see me. They usually come back to town earlier than now, but were delayed this year. And this timing is much better. I want to know about Alex. Why he did what he did. Why he was blamed. And what the hell happened with Jade?

I want to read her diary.

Jesse sighs before standing up and wrapping his arms around me, forcing me to break out of my freak-out pattern. “They know I was up on that mountain. Everyone does.”

“They know you were there when Alex died.Notwhen Jade died.”

“Willow, I can’t leave you alone knowing what you’re about to go through.”

I blow out a slow breath and pout. “Ugh. Fine. You can sit in my bedroom. But stay out of sight.”
