Page 136 of The Sound Of Forever

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If we weren’t parked in front of an empty block, I wouldn’t be doing this. No one gets to see Willow like this except me, but since it’s dark and a quiet street, I take my chances, lifting Willow’s dress above her head, revealing a red silk corset and garter belt.

Double fuck. Happy retirement to me.

I gulp as she sucks her lip into her mouth, a nervous energy pouring out of her. “Willow, you are by far the best thing to ever happen to me. Whatever you want, it’s yours. I’ll never make up for everything you’ve given me.”

Willow giggles as though I’m joking, and it’s like a symphony I’ll never tire of. “I should wear these more often if I get that response.”

“It’s not the corset, Buttercup. It’s you. Always has been. Always will be. Forever.”

I’ll never stop questioning how I got so lucky with Willow. For all the darkness in my world, I never thought I’d find my light. But I did. And God, is she amazing.

Willow often points out how many times I’ve saved her, always catching her when she falls. But the truth is, she saved me long before she even knew I existed, and I will never do enough to make up for that.

But I’ve got forever to try.

