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“What? That’s ridiculous. No one knows about us.”

“You freaking posted about me on your socials. You mentioned my jewelry designs, and guess what they want to buy.”

His eyes widen for the briefest of seconds before he recovers. “It wouldn’t be that. It’s you. It’s not—”

“It’s the only thing that makes sense,” I cut him off again. “Why else would they want me?Youdid this.”

“I didn’t do this. You’re so fucking talented, Willow. Why can’t you see that?”

I huff out a laugh before scrunching my face, trying to hide my growing anger. “Even if I was, it doesn’t change the facts. I’m here because of you. Was it part of your deal?”

“Of course not.”


“No. I didn’t do this. I hate seeing you upset.”You mean livid.“Let’s talk to Hailey and find out the truth.”

“I don’t even know a Hailey,” I snap before realizing I’m getting angry at the wrong person, because if Jesse didn’t orchestrate this, I know who did.

“Fuck this,” I seethe, spinning on my heel to find Kim. I’m done doing the right thing. I’m done letting people treat me like I’m nothing. Like I don’t have a voice. Because I do have a voice. A loud one. And I’m going to make some noise.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Icursequietlybeforefollowing after Willow, my heart lodged in my throat, wondering where I went wrong but also questioning… Was she going to kiss me? And if I hadn’t pulled away, would she have let me kissher?

I can’t even believe that she’s here. Willow’s here and looking like the devil sent her to tempt me. I didn’t want to come tonight. Despised the very idea of it, but I had no choice. I’m supposed to be thinking of my future. And now…fuck, am I’m glad that I came.

I don’t usually give any weight to the idea of fate, but I was definitely meant to be here. If only it was under different circumstances, and Willow wasn’t so mad.

“Willow, wait!” I call out as she rushes past guest after guest, only stopping when she reaches a few people I recognize from Raven’s, pulling a dark-haired woman away from the group.

The woman frowns, but follows Willow until they’re out of earshot of everyone but me. All while I stand hopelessly watching, wondering what the hell is going on.

“I’m so glad you made it, but is everything okay?” the woman asks, her eyes flashing to mine.

“This is Jesse,” Willow says, skipping the niceties. “But you already know that, don’t you?”

The woman’s eyes widen but she shakes her head, instantly denying it. Since I don’t recognize her, she might be telling the truth. “I’m afraid I don’t. What’s going on?”

“You may not personally know him, but someone in your company does. So, I’m here to tell you that I have no sway when it comes to his decisions. Having my designs in your store is not going to entice him into signing with you. In fact, it’s likely to do the opposite. You might want to rethink your strategy.”

Her jaw drops as she clearly freaks out. “Willow, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Where did this come from? Is that what Mr. Hastings is saying, that we’re using you to get to him?”

Shit. Mr. Hastings? She said she didn’t know me. Willow stiffens and I have to fight not to react, because I think she’s right.

“Okay, Kim. Whether this is a misunderstanding or not, I’m out. Thanks for having me here, but I’m going to go.”

She doesn’t wait for a response before walking away. Actually, storming away is the appropriate word.Go Willow!

My eyes flash toward Kim’s shocked expression as I consider giving her a piece of my own mind, but I can’t stay here while Willow’s getting away. She’s my priority.

Chasing after her again, I easily catch up as she steps out the door. “Willow, stop. I promise I had no idea.”

She doesn’t stop, and a little part of me knew she wouldn’t. She’s pissed. Understandably. I just have to make sure she knows I had nothing to do with it.

“Willow. Come on.” While I could quite easily get in front of her and make her stop, I move at a slower pace and stay behind her, letting her power walk her frustrations out. But when she turns toward the parking lot, I have to stop myself from reaching for her. Because I have a feeling she’s about to realize she doesn’t have a car. There’s no way she drove in LA.
