Page 274 of Entering Stronghold

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“Put your hands up in the air.”

She didn’t question, she just obeyed, and shivered as he tugged off her shirt. Moving like an automaton, Lexie stood completely submissively as he stripped her. Pants, bra and thong all dropped to his floor, something he seemed to relish as he scattered her clothing in his bedroom. Which was kind of funny - or it would be if she wasn’t so focused on what was happening - because everything else in his condo was so neat and clean. But apparently he liked her clothes on his floor, go figure.

Standing in front of him, completely naked, was an entirely different experience in his bedroom. So much more intimate than at Stronghold. She’d never realized how much the other patrons of the club made a kind of buffer, even when they weren’t in the room. There was always the noise of the club, filtering through the walls, adding to the atmosphere. Here, there was nothing but her and Patrick and now she was completely naked and vulnerable.

“Easy, sweetheart,” Patrick murmured, sliding his hands over her bare skin, caressing. She trembled even more at his touch, her own hands coming up to press against his chest. “We don’t have to do anything if you’re not ready.”

Oh fuck no. Lexie shook her head, her hair flying wildly at her vehemence. “NO! I mean, no, I’m ready. I’m just... nervous.”

She licked her lips as his dark eyes glowed with an inner fire, fingers sliding along her spine and making her want to drop to her knees... except he hadn’t told her to. This was Patrick in his element like she’d never seen him before, totally in control and holding nothing back. No wonder her body was jittery with emotions.

“Well that’s easily solved, Pixie. You don’t have to worry about doing anything but what I tell you.” The smug satisfaction in his voice made her pussy clench. Strange, how any other man, at any other time, would make her want to slap him for saying that, but right now it was the hottest thing she’d ever heard. She practically whimpered she was so turned on. “Get up on the bed and sit with your back against my headboard.”

Pulling away from him sucked, but it excited her to be following his orders... knowing this was going to be more intimate and more thorough than any scene at Stronghold had been so far. Behind her, she could just hear the rustle of his clothing as he pulled it off. Jumping up onto the bed, she quickly turned and sat down with her back pressed against the headboard. The headboard was an intricate combination of padding and decorative wood paneling; the largest padded section was right in the center of the bed, so that’s where she sat, giving her a comfortable seat as she watched Patrick strip.

Dark skin rippled over hard muscles, a view she was quite familiar with from summers at the pool. He wasn’t a body builder, but he was built. Lexie loved staring at him at the pool. Heat curled between her legs as he began stripping off his pants and boxers at the same time. This was the view she’d never seen...

His cock was long and thick with a large, fat crown. The whole shaft was slightly darker than the skin tone of the rest of his body, and the head looked almost purplish. Glossy, white pre-cum was leaking from the tip, looking even whiter against his skin, and Lexie squeezed her thighs together. He was bigger than the dildo she used, not by much, but enough that she couldn’t help but squirm in anticipation of what it would feel like to have him filling her.

Seeing her watching him, he smiled a lazy, sensual smile she’d never seen before. Geezus, didn’t he know what a smile like that could do to a girl? She was already so hot she was practically melting. He made her feel like a drooling, brainless fool. The whole bimbo fuck-doll thing had never appealed to her before, but she could suddenly understand where it was coming from, because she felt completely empty-headed and like all she wanted to do was have sex with him for hours. Maybe days. No wonder they all rarely saw Rick and Maria lately, if this was how those two felt.

“Hold out your arms, horizontally.” That deep, commanding voice rolled through her, and she lifted her arms as though in a dream.

One knee on the bed, his cock bobbing in front of him, Patrick leaned over slightly and opened a compartment on the headboard right by her arm. Lexie jerked in surprise as the wood paneling slid to the side, revealing a thick leather cuff on a very short chain. Hearing her soft exclamation, Patrick grinned at her. “Andrew made the bed for me.”

Which meant it probably had all sorts of kinky surprises. Andrew loved wood-working, and he especially loved doing custom pieces. Although he sometimes did contracting, Lexie knew he made a lot of his money making custom pieces for people at the club and to sell online. They weren’t just functional and kinky, they were beautiful. It didn’t surprise her at all that the headboard was one of his pieces, although it did send a jolt of arousal through her, because she knew whatever other secrets this bed had, they would be seriously kinky.

With one wrist secured to the headboard, Patrick got down and walked around the entire bed to her other wrist, completely secure in his nudity. Lexie had to admit, she liked watching him walk, seeing the way his cock moved with his body and admiring his almost arrogant self-confidence. Even so, part of her was a little disappointed he hadn’t just crawled right over her.

It only took him a minute to secure her other wrist in the same way, so her arms were flung out on either side of her, holding her in the sitting position. Lexie wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about this now that she thought about it. What could they possibly do with her in this position? Unless, of course, he just wanted to torture her for a bit. Which sounded both hot and frustrating... now that she was finally in his room, in his bed, and the lines had all been erased, she didn’t want to wait any longer for satisfaction.

“Spread your legs.”

That was a command guaranteed to make her pussy cream. Lexie tilted her head up, her gaze meeting his, as she spread her legs, leaning back against the headboard to give him the best possible view of her pussy.

“Very pretty, Pixie.”

But when he reached out to touch her, he didn’t stroke her needy, pink flesh. Instead, his hand cupped her breast, tweaking her nipple, and Lexie moaned in both arousal and disappointment. Looking down at his tormenting hand, she was even more aroused by the contrast of his dark hand against her milky skin, the beauty in that visual. Her skin looked even creamier against his hand, her nipple even pinker, and the silver ring through the tender bud gleamed brightly. When she looked back up at him, she realized he was watching himself fondle her breast as well.

Her nipples were both standing at attention, even though he was only touching one, as if the other was begging for his touch. Heat was running through her body, followed by shivers, as he pinched the aching bud, massing it between his fingers. Lexie moaned, low in her throat, leaning her head back as he pinched it hard and then switched his attentions to the neglected nipple. Having his hands on her was so fucking hot... she’d wanted this, craved it even, during their other scenes.

Leaning over again, he kissed her, and Lexie moaned into his mouth as her lips parted, and both of his hands found her breasts. His hands were larger than her mounds, engulfing them, and he squeezed and kneaded the soft flesh. She wanted so badly to be able to touch him back, her arms jerking on the restraints, and the fact that she couldn’t, that she was completely under his control, made her hotter and wetter. Soft, helpless noises were coming from her throat, which should have been embarrassing, but she couldn’t stop them. She was too needy. Too swamped with sensation.

Fingers drew back on her breasts and began to squeeze and massage her nipples, gently at first, and then pressing harder, tugging farther. Her legs moved restlessly, wanting to come back together, to press her thighs and relieve some of the ache in her core, but every time she remembered - just in time - that he’d ordered her to spread her legs. The struggle to keep them open was becoming harder and harder as he stroked her arousal higher, setting her on fire from the inside out.

When he pulled away from the kiss this time, giving her nipples one last pinch, she felt like a raw nerve, a quivering mass of need, and if she weren’t so desperate for him to touch her, she would have wanted to kill him for looking so goddamned calm. Even with his cock rigidly hard, practically slapping up against his stomach, his expression hadn’t changed from smug and in control. It was incredibly sexy and infuriatingly frustrating at the same time.

“Please,” she whimpered, looking up at him, imploring him with her eyes to have mercy. The emptiness between her legs was making her entire body ache, her legs were desperate to press together and try to relieve the need that had built there. Her pussy was throbbing, hot and molten with her honey, so swollen she was sure she wouldn’t need much to cum.

“Please what, Pixie?” he asked, cupping her chin with his fingers and running his thumb over her pouting lower lip. Her tongue flicked out against the pad of his thumb, and he smiled, an almost cruel smile, filled with sex and dominance and just a hint of sadism.

“I... I need more... please...” She didn’t want to ask for anything specific, worried he would deny it to her. Begging was almost always permissible with Doms, but sometimes they’d just keep playing because they enjoyed hearing it. Also to emphasize their submissive’s lack of control. Lexie knew that, logically, but she couldn’t stop herself from doing it anyway. She was just too desperate, too on edge.

“Alright,” he murmured, his eyes looking inward as if he was thinking. Lexie would have collapsed with relief if she could have.

Sliding off of the bed, Patrick bent over and pulled open one of the drawers underneath the mattress. She’d been in his room before, and noticed he had a storage bed, but she’d never even thought to ask what he stored in the drawers. Somehow she’d just always assumed it would be blankets or sheets or something. Silly her... of course it was sex toys.

The predatory gleam in his eye when he faced her again made her shiver. In one hand he had a brand new vibrator, still in its packaging, in his other were the pretty nipple jewels he’d used on her before. Quickly attaching those to her hoops, Patrick opened the vibrator and put in new batteries, while Lexie watched and squirmed.
