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There's something about this one, though, that eclipses every single one of them.

He isn't pretty. He isn't put together. He isn't carefully coiffed or groomed to within an inch of his life. His appeal doesn't come from a stylist, his bank account, or any plastic surgery. In fact, I'm quite sure he's had none of the latter. A nasty scar runs from the corner of his right lip to his temple, as if a sword ripped him open. The edges are puckered, the skin surrounding it mottled as if melted. It's painful to look at…if you see it at all.

He exudes so much raw magnetism that it's hard to focus on anything but how damn fierce he is. This man is as real as they come, completely unrefined. He's the man it takes special effects and CGI to turn actors into; only there is no green screen here. There's only him, those wicked gray eyes, and the way my entire body hums when he's close to me.

"Told you I'd be here," he growls, staring at me as if he's trying to see into my soul. The flames in his eyes heat me to the nth degree, making silent promises I desperately want him to deliver.

My stomach trembles, my insides quivering with anticipation. God, he's primal, almost like a wild animal. He's husky, towering over me in a way that's far too appealing. His black button-down stretches over his barrel chest and down the thick slab of his stomach, barely containing his bulk. His black slacks hug his powerful thighs. I fight the urge to press my legs together, wondering what it'll feel like to have him on top of me.

I've been clinging to my virginity since I came to this town, refusing to give it up for anything less than the fairytale romance I've always dreamed about. I always swore that no panty-dropping smile or Sexiest Man Alive would talk me out of giving it up. But Kaiden Huxley? Well, he didn't have to talk very fast at all.

I tear my gaze from him before I beg him to touch me right here on the front stoop. My eyes fall to the flowers still clutched in his hands. "Are those for me?"

He thrusts them toward me, petals drifting toward the cement at his feet. "Sat on the damn things in the car," he mutters. "You can throw them out."

"No way," I say. "They're beautiful, Kaiden." I bring the bouquet to my nose and inhale, humming softly as the soft scent of the orchids, peonies, dahlias, and roses swirl together. I peek at him over the top of the battered flowers, smiling in gratitude.

"You look like a princess." He scrubs a hand through his hair. "That dress is…it's something."

"Thanks. You look pretty handsome yourself." I beam at him, glad he approves. I tore my closet apart, looking for something to wear tonight. Clothes still spill across the floor like a tornado hit it. The red dress is a short, off-the-shoulder tulle dress with a short asymmetrical hem. It's bold and sexy on my curves without being too much. I paired it with a pair of ballet flats. I spend far too much of my life in heels to don them willingly.

"It's just a button-down, princess."

"Well, I like it."

The right corner of his lip lifts into a smile, crinkling the bottom edge of his scar. He should smile more. It softens him and makes him seem less like a grump. Though I'm beginning to think grumpy is his natural state.

"You should come in," I say, stepping aside for him to enter. "Dinner is ready." At least, I hope it is. I've never tried to cook for anyone else before. I spend most of my time alone. This town hasn't exactly been kind to me, either. Kaiden and I probably have more in common than he thinks.

"You cooked for me," he says.

"Yes." I look up at him through my lashes. "At least I tried. I make no promises that it's any good. I've never made a turkey before, Kaiden. Or dressing." I grimace. "It might not be edible."

"I'm thinking I should stay right here," he mutters, not moving an inch.

"I'm just kidding. I tasted it. It's all edible," I promise. It's not the best meal I've ever tasted, but it's not the worst either. It's not half bad for a first attempt.

"If I follow you inside, the first thing I'm eating tonight is you, princess," he growls, his heated gaze rolling over me like a hot wind.

"Oh." I squeeze my legs together this time, unable to help myself. I want that. Maybe more than I should. It's pretty much all I've thought about since meeting him the other day. I've spent every night tossing and turning, dreaming about him. Not even touching myself brings any relief.
