Page 39 of Go the Long Way

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He let out a small gasp as Ethan's finger pressed more firmly against his hole, biting his lip as it slowly breached him. The intrusion was strange but — not unwelcome, not atall.

"Jakob? Doing alright there?"

"M'good," Jakob confirmed, the unfamiliar pressure almost… almostburning, and yet — somehow unexpectedly pleasant, too. Especially as Ethan's finger kept moving, now pumping in and out with a slick friction that made heat pool in his belly.

"I'm going to try to find your prostate again," he told Jakob. "Just focus on how good it felt before, right?"

"Yeah," Jakob nodded. "Yeah. Alright."

Ethan's finger twisted inside him, massaging along his —

He gasped, one leg shooting out and nearly kicking Ethan as pleasure jolted through Jakob's body like a lightning strike.

"Found it," Ethan laughed; sounding not a little smug, the bastard.

Jakob could barely bring himself to be bothered by it though. Not when Ethan was rubbing inside him now as if he was some kind of magic genie lamp, sucking in a breath as a second finger joined the first.

"Pull your knees up to your chest, alright?" Ethan commanded.

And before Jakob's brain had fully registered their meaning, he'd already obeyed; nearly folding himself in half as he clutched the backs of his own thighs, so focused was he on the sensations wracking his body now.

"One more. Breath for me, Jakob," Ethan whispered, slipping another finger inside.

The burn this time was a little uncomfortable at first, but once again the sensation soon shifted to pleasure as Ethan began to pump his fingers into Jakob's body in earnest, slowly picking up speed.

Jakob groaned as they dragged across his prostate again and again, trying to pull Ethan in closer. Lifting his hips to meet those thrusting fingers; seeking, wanting,needing —

"More," Jakob grunted. "Ethan. Ethan,please."

Begging for something he didn't know the shape of, only that it was unbearable that it would be something he lacked —

"More of this, or… ?"

"Fuck me, Ethan," Jakob begged, unashamed at this yearning sensation he could feel writhing in his gut; crying out for completion, for release. "Please."

Thankfully, it seemed Ethan had no intention of making him wait any longer.

"Do believe you're ready," he murmured; withdrawing his fingers and leaving Jakob awfully,terriblyempty…

"Yeah," Jakob nodded, swallowing hard.

"Up with you then, lazybones," Ethan said, smacking Jakob's haunch playfully. "You're likely to enjoy this more if you're in control of how fast we go."

Jakob banged his shin on the nearby desk with how quickly he hurried to obey.

Kneeling on the edge of the mattress, Jakob watched as Ethan settled into the space Jakob had just been, his large frame taking up most of the single bed. He licked his lips as Ethan tore open the foil packet and rolled on the condom. Seeing Ethan's cock disappearing into his fist as he slicked himself up with the lube had Jakob's mouth going unexpectedly dry.

"C'mon, cowboy," Ethan grinned when he was done, gesturing towards his proudly jutting cock. "Saddle up and ride."

Nodding, Jakob shuffled up the bed as instructed, slinging a leg over Ethan's thighs with the ease born of long hours riding trail.

Saddles didn't usually come equipped with a cock, however, warm and thick as it nestled into the crack of Jakob's ass like it belonged there. Nor was he used to seeing this new expression shining with eager fondness on Ethan's face, and certainly not leveled athim.

"Relax, Jakob," Ethan urged, his hands coming up to grip Jakob's hips, steadying and sure. "Take it slow. Bear down on me if you need to, and just — tell me if it gets to be too much. We can always back up and try again."

Jakob nodded, anxious and impatient and quite possibly the most turned-on he'd ever been in his entire life.

"You still sure about this?" Ethan asked.
